I will spare you the details of the run up to it all but the final bit was going in for a verbal exam which if anyone knows me exams scare the you know what out of me ... but we had lots of time to learn the gazillion questions we had to learn, I tell you something I think we know a lot more than the average American now but anyway yeah, Dave and I went into separate rooms and had to answer questions about who we were and why we wanted to become citizens and what it meant to us and well they asked us a couple of questions which felt like forever but really it was over pretty fast. Then we got given a date for the ceremony, I thought I would be a lot more emotional than I was but it was just really touching and well we had to sing the anthem which I guess I now have to learn :-) and got to say the pledge to the flag for the first time as Americans, wow that brought tears to my eyes, all these years of saying it with Jade and now finally I could say it with just as much pride as she does, I think that was a big deal to me. We also got to stand up and represent the country we were from and it really blew my mind that in the small room we were in, of the little over 100 of us, there were 51 countries represented, isn't that amazing. There was one other guy there from SA which we said hi to in the end, he is married to an American so I am sure his process was a lot easier than ours.
Anyway so that's it really, I should have done this a lot earlier but as I said I just didn't have time so I am sorry if it is all a little foggy for me now and I can't give you too many more details.
I am so glad this picture came out well considering the room was so crowded and we didn't have much time to get a picture taken and well you never know how good the person that offered to take the picture will be and well it was on our old camera so that all being said, it's not to clear but I am glad it's a good picture all the same. It's up in the house already but I guess we need to have our certificates framed too ... is that what people do, I don't know.
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