The only difference from the last snowfall was that it covered the road this time around. I actually think the Christmas snow fall was way prettier either that or I am done with the snow already which I think can also be the case, don't know how people live with this for months !!!
About as much as last time ...
Now this was cool, it didn't last long though, it snowed all day but not like this, Dave and I think this is about the most snow we have seen fall at one time :-) Jade called it a blizzard (hehehe)
Maddie, Erin and Jade playing in the snow, Jade really needs some decent snow stuff though but it is such a waste to spend money on it though when it's a day here and there maybe and then she will be grown out of it. She has a snow jacket and snow boots thank Heavens but I don't know how she plays out there when her legs are wet through to the bone, it's crazy !!!
I have a childhood friend coming to visit from Canada in February, I am so excited, anyway I asked her to bring Jade some decent snow gloves since the ones I have have thankfully lasted and done their thing but really they are not decent ones and with them playing with the snow all the time, they need to be good.
Now Erin has no snow boots so that leaves her cold all the time poor thing :-(
A few neighbors had these ATV's are were zooting around on them, that's the way to do it. Must have been cool doing all the trails on them.
Now this is why she needs decent snow clothes, even though she is tough and says she can handle the cold (hehehe) oh to be young again.
Sent Dave to the store, of course he took my car ... but he said the roads were not too bad at all.
That's about as much as we got all day ... not much more than the morning considering it snowed on and off all day.
Picture from my bedroom window, through the glass so not clear but just really pretty, Jade and I lay on my bed half way through the day just watching all the squirrels and birds out there, was amazed how much activity there was, woodpeckers galor !!!
This was day two of snow day, no more snow falling but lot's of ice, again schools were closes and Dave is home which he decided I think last minute when we overslept. That being said the roads were really icy, glad he decided to work from home instead, even if it drives poor little Amber and I mad.
My CSI brain keeps saying, be careful that will kill you (hehehe) yeah clearly I watch too much TV. Very pretty though.
Jade wishing she had ice skates, golly Dave and I laughed at her slipping her way down the driveway, what a mess today, golly !!!
Its a long walk to Erins house on this ice, her house is the yellow one on the other end of the trees, Jade fell a couple of times but made it there, only to work their way back here for hot chocolate. Erins boots are in my dryer driving Dave mad but oh well life goes on here at home even if he is working from home ... put your bloody headphones on (hehehe). Anyway the kids are upstairs watching a movie, Amber is napping and oh, she has been fighting a fever which is why there were no snow pics of her, but she seems better today.
Hoping it's back to normal tomorrow, although I think the ice is going to hang round for a bit ... That's it for now.
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