Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Day 3 Of Snow Break January 2011

Day three of snow break, thank God David has gone back to work and I go to work tonight, a little nervous to drive in all this but the main roads seem fine, just the neighborhood roads and back roads that might be a challenge, pray all goes well please.

Anyway those that know me know I am so not a nature girl but my gosh to look out my back windows this morning was quite magical, these pics really don't do it any justice but the branches were covered in ice, it was so pretty and with the sun shining down on it, as I said just magical :-)

Don't laugh don't often get these moments but here you go, this is one of them :-)

Hopefully schools are back in session tomorrow and hopefully with not much of a delay as I need to be at work bright and early again, bundled up for sure, it's cold out there.

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