It started with sign in on the Friday but I got to sleep at home on Friday night, didn't get as early a night as I had hoped coz the day before Dave sprung a business trip on me, yeah I was going to barely be in the door Sunday and he was leaving so now not only did I have to get everything sorted out so he could cope alone with the girls on the weekend, not only did I have to organize all my stuff for the weekend but now I had to get his stuff ready for a trip too ... that was just crazy for me !!!
Anyway Tina came and got me at like I can't even remember now, like 5am and then we went to join our team which were all from out of town so they stayed in a hotel and it was only Tina and I from our team that slept in the tents, oh and hundred of other crew of course, all in two many tents all on a baseball field, totally crazy. The walkers also stayed in tents on a separate field ... anyway I am rambling on here and I really don't have time but Saturday was a long day, we set up our pit stop and then waited for people to come through all morning until the last walker walked past our point at like 1 ish. Tina had bought Peace necklaces since Peace, Hope and a Cure was our pit stop theme and we gave them out all day ... all the cheering on and making sure walkers got what they needed, it was a long day. Then we went to the wellness village where we were to sleep and of course everything else was happening, this is where there were vendor and food and showers and and and, it was the happening place to be. Tina and I sat at the end cheering walkers on until we were reassigned on the road again, did I say it was a long day, we finally walked the last walkers in after them being on the road for 26 miles. It was amazing really and quite an experience, when we walked those last people in we were followed by the biking road crew most of which were on Harley's that in itself was something to see but I did not have a camera with me to take pics there.
Here is a picture of our crew, you can't really see my shirt under the vest but Dave actually tie dyed it for me :-)
Tina always goes all out, it was so funny ... you know I don't think I had as many pics taken of me on my wedding day as I did by walkers that day, totally exhausting stuff.
Many of the walkers actually most of the walkers dressed up and all those that walked for people or were walking for themselves had these things on their backs saying who they were walking for, some walking in memory of people, it was really heart wrenching to read some of these, also all the banners for people at the end and just the emotions of people finishing day one and again day two which was a further 13 miles on the road, most of which people walked in agony which more blisters than you can imagine ... none of these was as emotional as the closing ceremony though ... again I am rambling, so much to tell but so little time ... anyway here are two other pics of people on the road, this first one was just cute as you can see on the t-shirts. The other one was just one of the funnies we saw, many groups came through with pretty bra's on top of their t-shirt and obviously everyone was in pink ... wow wow wow ... just amazing really, just to take it all in.
The closing ceremony on the Sunday afternoon when all the families of walkers joined them, and we listened to testimonies that had me in tears through the entire thing, wow ... well we raised I think it was 3.5 million dollars that weekend and it all goes into Cancer treatments in the Carolina's !!! We got to see them hand out cheques to certain groups to show us where our hard work was going, really just amazing stuff. But what most of all will stick in my mind is the parade, first led but Survivors in dark pink t-shirts, then walkers in light pink t-shirts and then crew in a further lighter pink t-shirt ... how many times have I said wow wow wow in here. I don't know I have no idea what pulled me to do this but I felt it was the right thing to do and I am glad I did it !!!
One last picture of my best friend Tina and I ... love you girl !!!
Ok that was way more than I wanted to write and I have so much more still to write and post I know I won't get it all done today, sorry :-( Just keep checking back and scrolling up an down ok !!!
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