Anyway we left the pool about 4h30 and then rushed home to shower and get a picnic packed to go see the fireworks and 4th of July celebration at Southpark, one of our local malls. They have an area to the side of the mall that allows for this kind of event, I think through Summer they hold a symphony of pops series which is a series of orchestra music with perhaps a different theme every time, I am not sure ... but come 4th of July they have obviously a patriotic theme and people congregate all over the grassy area and enjoy the festivities after which it ends with the final fireworks.
I knew we had to go early, even though we had not been to this celebration before, we had been to the Thanksgiving one that was similar and it was jam packed then so now with the glorious weather I knew it would be ten times worse, in fact the ladies at the pool thought going after Dave got off work was already too late. Anyway we got done quickly and got to Southpark about 6ish and well we thought we would never get a good place because blankets were laid out like one big patchwork quilt with hardly any grass showing ... anyway we found a spot up one of the sides of a water feature, we wouldn't be able to see the orchestra but we would hear them just fine, we weren't far and well we would have a good spot for the fireworks so we put our stuff down, left our cooler there and went to walk around the mall to pass time and get out of the heat.
We had a quick dinner, a walk around and then it was close to 8pm and the orchestra would start playing at 8h15 so our timing worked out just great. What a nice evening, Jade was a little bored waiting for the fireworks but it wasn't too bad we had a nice time ... we goofed around a bit while we waited for it to get dark here are some pics :-)
I love this one of the two of them ... actually the one further down is even cuter :-)
You might remember this dress from last year, in fact ... last year when Karen was visiting Sasha wore this dress but this year Jade fitted into it fine so thankfully I didn't need to buy her anything more for this year.
These are glasses that got handed out to watch the fireworks, we had not seen these before and they were great !!! You will see later on in the video what a difference they made ... what a fun idea !!!
Oh how I hate pictures but I had to get into one or two too :-)
I love this one of my two most favorite people in the world :-)
This was the sunset we were watching from where we were sitting ...
More messing around ...
Can you believe she told me to take my glasses off ... too funny !!!
Then this is the video I took while everyone stood up and listened to the national anthem, even after 7 years of living here I still get goose bumps when they sing this, the amazing pride these people have for their country, I just love it, one about another year or so I think ... and then we will be citizens, I can't wait :-)
Dave took a walk up over the hill to show Jade the orchestra, it's funny because he videoed the thousands of people on that side but he pans so fast that everything is just one big blur :-) You can tell I am the one that does most of the pictures and videoing.
Ok and last but not least, this is the video I took of some of the fireworks, I took some with the glasses in front of the lens to show you how much fun it was for Jade to see the fireworks with them on, what a great idea. Then the rest I took of the fireworks on their own ... we were really close to where they were setting them off so much so that the ground was vibrating so we were a little disappointed that they were not as great as we thought they would be but hey ... it was fireworks and we had a fun time right. You can hear Jade shouting the odds, sometimes I think she was trying to out scream the loud bangs.
The worst was that afterwards getting out the parking area, my golly, we had a very good parking and it took us for what felt like forever but we eventually got out and probably were home around 11ish I think.
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