Now onto what we did today, early morning Dave got stuck into cleaning his office after he got back from his cycle ride while I went off to the stores thinking they would be quiet and I could take advantage of Dave being home and I could do my monthly grocery shopping without Jade in tow asking 'mommy when will we be done' but what was I thinking ??? The stores were packed it was like Christmas time, anyway I got what I needed and even though it felt like it took me so much longer because the check out lines were insane, at least I didn't have Jade moaning so it was worth it.
After getting home I got us all dressed and packed another picnic and we went off to Waxhaw for what I thought would be another nice afternoon of festivities but ... and let me show you these pics first of Jade that I took before we left ...
This dress too is from last year but thankfully she still fitted in it fine,the funny thing is that the heart at the back is the prettiest part and Jade wanted that heart in the front, now try and explain to a newly fashion conscious 5 year old that a dress only goes on one way ... what a challenge.
This was also the first time that I attempted to tie Jades hair up with it being so short, it doesn't look as cute as it does down but at least now I know I can do this and come school time it will probably be easier for her.
Here you can see how much thicker her hair is since the cut.
Back to my story, the site I had researched said there were arts and crafts and lots of vendors to be followed by fireworks so we thought we could do something similar to what we did at Southpark only I messed up ... yep I messed up, and yep I can mess up too (hehehe) for those that know how organized I always am. It turns out even though I was researching activities for 4th of July 2008 the page I read the information on was about festivities for 2005 so yep ... again I messed up, we drove to Waxhaw and there was nothing happening, thankfully it wasn't too far to drive even though with gas prices being what they are a mess up like that is still costly. Anyway I got my friend Tina on the phone and she made sure nothing was happening in Waxhaw, thanks Tina and then we decided to take the long trip out to the lake, Lake Wiley where we went last year.
The closer we got to the lake the worse the weather looked and I dreaded that we had taken this long trip out there for nothing but to pass the time we went and had dinner close by and took our time to see what the weather was going to do. Thankfully even though there was lots of thunder it didn't rain and after dinner we were able to go get a good spot at the lake, I think many people probably didn't go because of the weather so not only did we get a good spot, we got great parking which got us out there in just a few minutes when last year, Karen don't remind me, it took way over an hour to get out the parking lot.
Once we had our blanket all sorted out, Dave took Jade for a walk along the jetty and then came and planted himself on his chair and that was it, he didn't move again (hehehe) so I took Jade for a walk further around the lake, here are some pictures of her posing by the water side.
She was actually down by the water with a bunch of kids throwing stones but no matter what hand she threw with the stone would go anywhere but in front of her so eventually I had to tell her to stop because she was risking everyone around her lives, poor thing.
I love this picture, here she was just picking these little flowers, weeds ... but flowers all the same, she loves flowers :-)
Now that's the way to hang out at the lake ... if I win the lotto I am definitely buying one of those, what a fantastic way to see the country.
Ok now I had to take this picture, here we are at the lake with so much to see and do but with technology being what it is, here Dave is checking his emails or browsing the web on his cell phone while Jade is watching a movie on my cell phone, ok don't get me wrong it wasn't long and Jade and I were both competing against each other playing a game on the phone but isn't it sad that this is what the world has come to ?
Last but not least, here are some of the fireworks that we saw today, they were better than the Southpark fireworks but we were across the lake from where they were being shot off so it was definitely a different feel. Jade was louder than ever, it was too funny, and she asked if everyone in the world was watching this at the same time as us, what a crazy thought, where did that come from, I guess she just wanted to know so that when she chats with family back home again, they can talk about the 'same' fireworks they saw.
We forgot the glasses in the car, I am sure these would have been even better had we had them to watch through.
Anyway that's all for now, hope this shows you just a little bit of what we have been doing this weekend.
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