So the last two weeks have been relatively slow, we have all been sick, Jade just slightly although she still has a runny nose and a bit of a cough, the sad part is with all that she got an ear infection which hopefully is on the mend now since we are more than half way through her antibiotic. Me well I am still coughing but life goes one right ... no time for moms to get better, I know all you moms out there know what I am talking about !!! Then Dave was also sick for a while, he played the 'I'm dying' card like only men can so all I can say is thank heavens he is almost better now too. He is actually in Denver Colorado today for a business meeting, nothing like flying 4 hours in one direction and 4 hours back for a 3 hour meeting and well you all know how Dave likes to fly right ?
Well I had a birthday, although I was sick, I had a good one, thanks to everyone that called, sms'd and emailed, it really made me feel good how many remembered and made me feel special.

Dave spoilt me rotten as usual even though my main present he gave me is more like a mans gift (hehehe) we needed it so check it out ... my new grill !!!
I got a bunch of other things too but my biggest present is that in three odd weeks Dave is taking me along with him on a business trip to Vegas, I can't believe it and what is even better, my neighbor Tina has offered to keep Jade for a couple of days, how cool is that ?
Oh before I forget, we got a fish !!! I promised Jade when we got back from South Africa, I would buy her a Goldfish which she was going to call Goldie, orignal right ? Anyway as things go apparently Goldfish don't live well in bowls, who has ever heard of that ? So we landed up getting a Betta fish, she chose the color and seems very happy with him, she named him Mia, like the bee ... and told me he was a she so, who am I to tell her different. Her is a picture of Mia.
Well the weather here has been crazy, when we arrived back it was warmish and then it got really cold again but this past week, it has been hot, I think we are in for a very hot Summer. Yesterday it was so warm that the kids decided they wanted to wash Tinas car so they all got in bathing suits and half washed the car and played in the water the rest of the time. Now being only Spring you can only imagine how cold that water was but they had fun and actually the sun was so hot that they got burnt, those that din't have sun lotion on. After all that fun, our new next door neighbors asked all the kids to come around and play with their 3 year old son Cody in their backyard, the kid were thrilled as they had been checking out that new backyard for a while wondering how they were going to get in :-) Here are some pictures of them in the sun. I don't have time to label them but hopefully you can see how much fun they had out in the sun.

Then came the sad news, Daves Moms sister Vicencia passed away suddenly last night, she had not been well all day and landed up in hospital late morning. Thankfully the entire family was at her bedside to be with her, she passed away peacefully last night. She will be missed as she was a wonderful lady with a beautiful spirit and such a giving nature. She will always hold a special place in our hearts. I thoughts and prayers are with the family during their time of Sorrow. Below is a picture of her for those that new her, unfortunately not a very clear one but the only one I had on hand.

I am going to try hard to update this blog every two weeks or so so keep checking ok :-)
Love the blog, now I get to read all your news again. Love all the photos, can't believe Jade diving into the swimming pool and so weird to see the kids in bathing suits in spring!!
OMG! Look at all that lovely tight young pu--y, how on earth to decide which one first.....oh well guess it doesn't matter they all get my c--k
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