Not that I ever get much time to play on the computer anymore, I have created this blog to brag about the things that mean the most to me in life, firstly my husband, David and then close runners up are my daughters Jade that is 10 years old and Amber who is 4. This is just a way for all our family and friends in South Africa to keep up to date with our lives over here in the States. Hope you enjoy it.
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Big News For Today !!!
So this week stressing about it all I came to wonder how my 8 year old that loves music and dancing came to have no rhythm ??? So that's where we started ... then Monday and Tuesday she had a two hour training session where they taught them a cheer and a dance which on the Wednesday they would do in front of a panel of judges 4 of them at a time to try out for one of the three teams. There were so many girls so we knew there was a possibility we might not make a team but went to try out anyway.
It was so stressful, you swear I was trying out and the worst was the 4 moms whos kids were trying out could not watch so we were in this little back room ears to the door ... 20 mins later it was over with. Jade said she did well and that was all I could have asked for.
What they had to do in front of the judging panel was two jumps of their choosing, then a mat routine of their choosing, Jade did a round off, back handspring, front walk over, back walk over and splits, thank God the gymnastics is finally paying off. Then a cheer, then a dance and finally that same dance to music.
Last night we got the results and to my total amazement Jade made the Shooting Stars team which is the top team, oh my gosh here we go !!! Apparently most the gymnasts are in this group :-) so it did help !!! Now she will practise twice a week for two hours each and will compete 6 plus times during the season, this will be on weekends and we will have to travel if the events are far but for now they will be pretty local. On the weekends they don't compete they will cheer a basketball team, this is a requirement for them to compete in competitions.
I am excited and nervous and just relieved she made it, they start practising the end of August, can't wait to see her all dressed up in her little outfit, which by the way they get personally fitted for ... here we go !!!
Anyway wanted to share this with you all :-) A very proud moment for this mom.
Evening Trip To The Lake ...
These were taken at the park just before you get to the lake.
Love this picture of them, both in green with all the greenery around them :-)
Amber thoroughly enjoying the slide ... did I tell you that Amber now goes down the slide at our pool, you are not allowed to have floaties on the slide so I wait at the bottom to catch her and Jade takes her up the stairs, she loves it ... for those that have seen this slide know it's pretty cool that just just turned two year old loves it :-) Thank God I am bless with water babies !!!
This was at the lake, like you can't see that ... sorry but yeah Jade was standing on this rock throwing pebbles into the lake, Amber wanted in too and before we knew it and could stop her she had walked into that yucky water with her only pair of decent going out shoes on :-( oh well !!!
Wow doesn't she look grown up in this picture ??? Or is it just me ???
Sitting out on a rock together, golly Amber is going to grow up so much faster than Jade she wants to do everything Jade does.
Here you can see how blonde Jades hair has gone this Summer, I think it's the blondest I have seen her in a long time, during Winter her hair went quite dark, I was certain she was not going to stay blonde.
Last two close up on them :-)
4th Of July
Sadly this is the only picture I got of them in the other 4th of July dress.
And two of Jade.
Then that afternoon I surprised Jade and her friend Erin and took them to our local ice skating rink where they were having a snow day. I am so mad that I took my camera but the settings must have got bumped and almost every picture came out blurry so I have almost no pictures of that experience :-(
What they did was make these big piles of ice which felt like snow and the kids could have snow fights or tube down a small hill or well just have fun, good clean and cool fun considering it was hot as hell outside, thought it was a really neat idea. Tiana you should do one of these at the rink ask a fun raiser :-)
This one I actually got off their official website, I didn't take it ... so glad someone took it.

And this one is bad quality too but we were sitting out on the sidewalk watching fireworks in the neighborhood, we were all hot and sticky it was so humid even though it was really late but Dave clicked it on his cell and well ... I thought it was cute so here you go.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Fun At The Splash Park.
Amber didn't like it that much, all these pics were taken right in the beginning and after that she really wasn't interested, spend most of the afternoon in the park with Dave instead !!! But yeah she had fun while it lasted even if it was very short lived.
Took a while before she got wet.
Eventually ... few mins of this and she was done for the day (hehehe).
Can you tell Amber likes gummy worms ... she wasn't letting anyone have any of those.
July 4th Weekend.
Very seldom get decent pictures of them both together ... even though Amber is not smiling nicely in these ones, at least it shows you their dresses some.
Amber trying to copy everything Jade does, too cute.
This is a relatively natural picture of Jade, she likes to pose all the time so I love getting the ones that are more natural.
Love this picture think it is so cute but you can see their size different for sure :-)
Amber trying to copy Jade again.
She looks so cute here ... funny how she wants so to be like her sister, Jade was showing her what to do.
That's better.
Just being goofy.