Back to today, we didn't do much, I normally plan the day and go out and do something fun but since we are off to Florida on Friday and have lots of fun planned for that trip, I figured I would just let Dave go out and have a good cycle ride this morning and then get some 'man' shopping done by himself the afternoon, just give him a day off from the kids, hopefully he enjoyed it, for me well ... it was just like every other day, other than I made a big breakfast meal for dinner which is what he requested, Jade thought it was totally weird but enjoyed it all the same :-)
As for what he got this year, we gave him 3 T-shirts this morning coz I had two things planned for him for Florida which is he main presents but I couldn't wake him empty handed so T-shirts it was !!! Then the past week or so Jade and I watched an amazing program of all the best water parks in the USA which she would die to go to, now it's definitely not Amber appropriate right now but I bought Dave tickets for him and Jade to go to one of these big water parks for the day while we are in Florida, I am sure the two of them will have a ball. You see I promised Jade that I would take her to Disney for a day, not actually realizing that the ride from Vero Beach to Disney was almost two hours but anyway so she and I are spending one day in Disney which should be fun, wish Dave could go with us but it would just be hard with Amber so I get Disney and he gets a water park and well Jade gets lucky right ???
The the other gift I gave him is, I am not sure if you all remember that many years ago when we were still in Cape Town, or had we left and were out on a vacation there, can't remember but our friend John took Dave, myself and my brother up in a 4 seater plane, it was an awesome experience but I have no desire to do it again, unless I am being flown to some tropical island, anyway John is one of the families that we are visiting in Florida and he offered to take us up again for a small fee, Dave mentioned it and I said I really didn't want to go but have organized John to take him up, I am sure they will enjoy it !!! And yeah, that was his Fathers Day gifts.
These pics were taken this evening, after dinner, after Jade had bathed and well Amber was just a mess but I stuck a bow in her hair and she managed to pull off some cute looks for the camera :-) Dave took some cute ones of me and the girls too but do you think he could have told me my bra was sticking out ... MEN !!! So I will have to pass on those X-rated pics for now :-(
As you can see, Jades hair is short again, not as short as her first hair cut but still way more manageable for the pool. Her hair does not look bad in these pics but it really feels yuck right now from the pool water we are trying to treat it best we can to get it right again but taking strain, if only I could get her to shower before she entered the pool, it's actually a pool rule but no one abides by it !!! It was too short to donate to Locks of Love this time which was really sad because we both had hoped she could do that again but maybe one day ...

Other than that what can I tell you, this was the first full week of Summer vacation and by the end of Monday I was so tired of Jade being bored, she has so much to do here but without someone to do it with, it's just boring and so many of her usual playmates had gone on Summer camp so well it was a tough day, anyway so I called my New Zealand girlfriend that I work with, her daughter Serah and Jade get on really well, she is 6, almost 7 and asked her if Serah could come over for the week, so from Tuesday till last night, Saturday night and of course she was totally ok with that. It actually helped her a lot because she is trying to get her house in order to sell because she and her family are wanting to move back to New Zealand so this gave her time to really get stuck into the house, she just had her eldest son with her and her two other sons were in Savannah with her hubby.
Jade and Serah had a really good week together, me of course was thanking the good man upstairs that I didn't have twins and that my girls were 7 years apart in age, it was so much more work ... but they had fun that was the main thing and of course last night there were lots of tears. Sandra actually came and spend the afternoon at the pool with us and stayed for a BBQ which all just made it harder for the girls to split up.
So now it's just the next 4 days to deal with and then our trip to Florida, so we leave on the 25th and stay in timeshare in Vero Beach until the 2nd of July, then Kevin and Ruth Anne have offered us to stay with them till the 5th if all goes well with Amber, that way we can spend the 4th of July with them, which would be great but only time will tell how things will go, I pray that the trip down there is the first thing that goes well, I think the rest won't be too bad but that 9 hours in the car, that's going to be hard. I am going out tomorrow to try and find some things that I can do with Amber, Jade is easy but keeping Amber occupied is going to be a big challenge, hold thumbs I can pull that off.
I cannot tell you how forward I am looking to this trip, just to get to the beach, I can't wait, then there's lots of fun planned to be excited about too but it can all be so much harder if Amber doesn't play ball so really, just hoping and praying I can pull this off. Dave really needs a good break too, it's been too long and hanging out with good old South African friends will be a nice treat !!!
So yeah, you probably won't hear from me now until after the 4th of July so ... take care till then.
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