We hardly had warning about this snow fall compared to the one two or so weeks ago so it my my girlfriend Pams 40th birthday on Thursday so us girls planned on going out for dinner and a movie, I was to leave the house at 5pm and the snow was due to start at 5pm but normally well ... we just don't even get the snow, or it's very little or it starts much later when we are asleep so what do you think happened last night ... yep it started to snow at 5pm, and when I say it started to snow, snow more at one time than I had ever seen before but still I ventured out coz Pam said ... nah it won't be much.
So I parked my car at the movie theatre and Pam collected me there so we could go shopping together after which the rest of the ladies were going to meet us at the movies well ... when we came out of the undercover parking at Southpark well, it was wet, slushy and the road were bad, cars were driving at like 10 - 20 miles an hour, kinda scary for me to see coz I had never experienced this before but Pam being from up North she was ok with it all and I felt safe with her, thanks Pam :-)
Anyway we couldn't even get to where we had planned to have dinner, the roads were so bad and traffic was so slow and the rest of the ladies had called to say they were not venturing out, it was too dangerous so Pam and I just had dinner somewhere close to where the movies were and where I was parked and then after that decided after seeing 3 odd inches of snow on my car, that maybe we should just skip the movie. Thankfully wise Pam had told me to back into my parking spot and to leave my windshield wipers up so it was quite easy to clear my windshield all while being thrown with snowballs by Pam :-) and then I got going on my trip home. It was like 10pm and the roads were quiet and those still out were driving very slowly, me especially coz I was scared to death but thankfully I made it home safe, what an experience. It was so pretty out, I am glad I was out to see it but man I think next time, when it snows like that, I think I would rather be cozy at home, I am still trying to get rid of my headache from the stress of the ice on the roads ...
A picture of our front yard and neighbors.
It was so pretty out back this morning, last time there was just ice on all the branches out back, that too is obviously very pretty but this was like a winter wonderland, what a pretty site to wake up to :-)
This was some of our front yard that Dave took when he was outside.
Mom I can't see a thing this snow is so bright (hehehe).
I dressed Amber up warm and got Dave to take her out for a quick picture, she was all snug like a bug in a rug :-) Poor thing is having bad neck problems again, you can see it in this picture.
Last but not least, today Dave and I were lucky enough to have Colleen come over and watch the kids for a couple of hours while him and I went out for a nice lunch and a movie, we ate at Olive Garden which I love but man him and I thank God both ate garlic coz geez do we stink (hehehe), then we went to see Avatar at the IMAX definitely not my kind of movie but it was a have to see movie I think and I thoroughly enjoyed it ... can't believe some dude dreamt that all up, I need whatever he is on so I can have dreams like that too ... wow. Tomorrow we will have Colleens kids so she and her hubby can go out and do the same, it was a nice treat, thanks Colleen.
Ok well tomorrow is Valentines Day ... who knows maybe you will get more pics then, not sure let's wait and see ok. Hope you all have a good day.
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