Well another 18 days and counting, two weeks today and my folks will be here, so there's much to look forward to, that is for sure. I am starting to get very nervous for the birth, all my friends think she is going to come early but as uncomfortable as I am right now, I just feel she has hung in there this long, now she must wait for my folks to arrive but I guess only time will tell.
Having said that some days I just want her out, she has dropped and well walking is now a challenge, also she keeps on pressing on a nerve in my lower back or hips which leaves me crying half the time, I feel like she has to be bigger than Jade was but the doctor says she will be around the same size from what the scans show. I go for another scan this coming Tuesday, after that I will see the OB once a week ... not long now, hold thumbs all goes well !!!
Anyway this past Thursday at gymnastics I managed to video Jade doing her back handspring, she has only started doing it unassisted the past 2 weeks and she has a long way to go to get it right and perfect but she is so proud of herself that I had to share this moment with y'all :-) Jade only has two or three more weeks and then her gym season is over for the Summer, I think her last day might actually be the day I am being induced so my folks will have to take her, that will be fun for all three of them :-)
Then yesterday my BFF Tina gave me a 'surprise' baby shower. This was my 3rd baby shower so I feel totally spoilt. I work with two different groups at Church At Charlotte and both of them gave me a shower to surprise me, I really am blessed to be around all these wonderful ladies that have been the best support I could possibly have asked for the past 9 months. I hope this little girl inside me grows up to know just how much she was loved long before she stuck her head out into this world. Anyway yesterdays shower was suppose to be a surprise but a couple of people unfortunately let it slip so I knew about it, that being said, I didn't know whether it was Saturday or Sunday or where or when it was going to be held or who was going to be attending so much of it was still a nice surprise. Tina went all out to make it a fun occasion for all attending which was so special of her, much thought and planning went into it, that is for sure !!!
Tina is also so talented that the tables were decorated so nicely, it was held at a local restaurant but there was a menu just for my shower as you can see below :
One of her girlfriend baked this special cake as well, it was really a masterpiece and was very yummy, very different as it was kind of like a marble cake with two different layers, with a yummy caramel layer in between and frosting like I have never tasted before, that was a real treat !!!
As you can tell I am getting bigger by the day ... oh boy !!! Or I should say oh girl right ???
Then the tables were decorated with this cute little flower pots with three flower in them, the flowers were chocolate and of course Tina made them all, what with three kids and working most of the time, I don't know where she found the time, this is so her kind of thing to do though but I hope she knows how much it meant to me that she spoilt me so rotten !!!
Can you believe this, this was the center piece on my gift table, it is a 'diaper cake' not a real cake but a layered cake shape made from diapers, obviously one day I will use the diapers but it's so cute I don't want to break it apart, maybe after my folks have seen it for real :-)
We played a bunch of game too which was such fun, here we had to chug down water from a babies bottle, it was too fun, yuck but funny. Heather won that one which was good considering it was her 30th birthday and she had taken time out of her busy day to attend my shower, now that I am thinking, I wonder if it was water in her bottle (hehehe), Tina had prizes for all the winners, so I am glad that Heather got one.
There were two things, one at this shower and one at my work shower that I thought was really cool, at the work shower what they did is they opened a pack of diapers and everyone got to write me a message on a diaper, I have been told not to read the messages till I use the diapers but I did sneak a peek at three of them and they were really special messages which I know I will enjoy reading as I use them, what a great idea. Then at this past shower, Tina organized some blank bibs and some fabric paint or pens and every lady got to make the baby a bib, how special is that and what a great idea ... here is a pic of one of them, one of the only ones that didn't have the babies name on it so as not to give away the surprise for family :-)
Three of the ladies actually also bought Jade a gift which I thought was very thoughtful and sweet of them, here is Jade getting her gifts before she and Dave left after dropping me off.
Here's a picture of most all that I got at my showers, what a spoilt little girl this little one is !!! I got a good few gift cards too so tomorrow I am going off to the store to try and get a few must haves that I didn't get, like a bath, a nice diaper bag, some drop ins for the bottles, maybe a mobile and well we need a stroller but after selling all the baby stuff when we moved, I have money for all that put aside so that's cool !!! I am excited to go get all that tomorrow, then I will be totally ready !!!
Oh one last thing, while I was at my shower, Dave took Jade to a local Fair kind of thing in Downtown Matthews, it was a lot like the Matthews Alive but smaller, but at least she got to have fun while I had fun, it was a beach party theme, here is one of the sand sculptures they had there, is this not amazing ?

Jade also got to hold this beautiful big bird, only shame I wish she had a t-shirt on as she has the scratches to prove she held it ...
So that's it for this update, work is slowing down now thank Heavens, this week I only work Wed and Fri and then the follow week only the Wed and then I am done, I might work some in the Summer but for the most part I have a break while Jade is on vacation so that's pretty cool :-)
Hopefully I get to do one more update before the baby comes, we will see :-) Oh I wanted to say, I might add a few more pics of the shower later, Tina has some pics on her camera but the copies I have of them are very bad quality so I will rather wait for the originals.
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