I am sorry that I have not had time to update on here much but with the family being in town and Amber keeping us busy, being on the computer doesn't even come into my top 5 things to do in a day ... so I am going to try and keep this as short as possible but post as many pics as I can coz I think that's all you want anyway :-) so here goes !!!
During Ambers first week, we visited the doctor a couple of times because she was very jaundice, to me she looked like she has been on a tanning bed in my tummy for 9 months but apparently like yellow, the red is also a jaundice color. Thankfully a bit of tanning on Jades bed helped and after a week she was fine :-)
Then we had Jades parents observation day at gymnastics, Jade did really well actually, I took a little video of the walkover she did that she got right for the first time at this session. Unfortunately by the time I got her on video she was really tired and this was not a good one at all but you will get the idea and I will take more video later :-) Also we didn't get great pics of her with her little class, sorry, I had my hands full !!!
This was Amber on the 21st of May ...
Then I was excited to have my folks here for Speedstreet as we always have such a good time there but this year really was a little disapointing, they didn't give away as much free stuff as they usually do, I guess the ecconomy really showed it's face this year around. Anyway we took this little video of Jade climbing the wall.
Picturs and video taken of Amber on the 25th of May.
Jade used to lie this way too :-) They look so different but sometimes there is something that reminds me of what Jade was like when she was this little.
I totally love little hand and little feet pics :-)
This is one funny shot for the books, with my feet in the way, it looks like she is a reindeer (hehehe), I need to show Jade this one :-)
My sleepy girl, she has about 2 hours worth of awake time in a day now, thats one long stretch and then before feedings she is awake for a short period of time too. After her 7pm feed she spends time with Dave but he is so busy doing stuff all the time that she gets so irritated with him, it's quite funny, she voices herself loudly as to say ... Daddy, pay attention to me !!!
Tummy time, she is such a strong little girl, way stronger than Jade was this early, she pulls her neck up easily and doing tummy time, it's funny, she looks like she wants to crawl already (hehehe), and when you are burping her if she is on your tummy, she pushes up like she wants to stand, it's weird, I know Jade was not this strong at this age. Also look at her eye color here, I have a feeling she is going to have green eyes which I would love, one blue eyed blonde and one brown haired green eyed girl :-) Very different color to Jades right now, well I guess we have blue, brown and green eyes on both sides of the family so who knows, we will have to wait and see, she has more my coloring, skin wise etc. so we will see :-)
Here she is waking up from a nap ...
More tummy time ...
My parents are actually lucky to be here at this time of the year because it is at the end of Jades school year so they have a ton of things on for the parents to attend which my folks are getting to see too. Here they had their Blue and Gold day which is a little sports day, nothing like our school sports days when I was at school but they had fun anyway. These were just the kindergarten kids, Jade was Gold and Blue won the kindergarten round, Jade will tell you that Blue cheated that is how they won (hehehe), she is her dads child as far as that goes, they both are bad losers !!!
This is them all warming up ...
And these two are just of Jade and her class playing games ...
Then they had a day later a 15 odd minute little musical called Frog and Toad, it was very cute, here are two short videos to give you and idea :-) We got lucky with Jade being in the front.
This is just a picture of all kindergarteners that took part.
Ok and these are the last few pictures of Amber that I took yesterday the 28th of May, she is going to be another chubby little baby with all that she is eating right now, I am sure you can already tell how much she has grown but I would rather have her chubby and happy now not to mention sleeping well :-)
Ok that's me for now, Jade has a party today and another one tomorrow but we don't have too much else planned for the weekend but I am sure we will go somewhere on Sunday. 8 more days of school and then it's vacation time and we can plan a little more :-) can't wait. I will try and update again as soon as I can, Amber has her one month check up next week, can you believe that so I will let you have another update around then, today is the 29th which was her original due day, golly how things can change in a flash :-) No regrets !!!