I think when I last updated we were having a rough time with Jade health wise, I am happy to report that thank God she is doing much better now. I was starting to think that the good man upstairs was just getting me in training for a difficult baby, oh golly, Heaven forbid !!!
Friday was Jades last day of school before Spring Break which is really only a week long here, it's not long at all but we are all looking forward to sleeping in a little in the mornings, most of the sessions at the Church follow the school calendar but I am still working Wednesday night and Friday morning but still it will give me a bit of a break which I so need at this stage, I feel like time is running out before this little girl arrives and of course my parents too and the house is far from ready, livable of course but far from ready.
There isn't too much that needs to be done but the baby room still needs some work, I am almost done with washing all her clothing and oh my gosh, I go for a scan on Wednesday but if this turns out to be a little boy, it is going to be so scary because everything and I mean everything is pink and purple, he would be so in tune to his feminine side, I don't know what we will do. I actually wasn't going to have another scan before the birth but really was starting to worry that it would be half of the pregnancy that I would not have had a scan in so asked my doctor if she would scan on my next visit. It will be Spring Break too so Jade will get to tag along and see the baby too which will be a treat for her :-) Hold thumbs it remains a girl !!!
So yeah that's the baby room, Jades room is almost done, still a few touches I need to do in there, the media room remains a mess and well the spare room is ok for now. Our room has a few boxes in it that I have to sort out this coming week and then hopefully I will feel more ready for visitors, hold thumbs I can pull that off.
Anyway so as I was saying, it was Jade last day of school so she got her school report and thankfully everything looks good, she seems to be progressing as she should :-)
Me, I am plodding along feeling like I am getting bigger and more uncomfortable by the day but thankfully that is not really true, uncomfortable yes but according to the doctors records I am in way better shape this time around than I was with Jade which is hard to believe given all the years since being pregnant with her but I guess all the work is keeping me on my toes. I am 32 weeks pregnant now but will be induced either the 20th or 21st of May so not too long here at all, about 5 - 6 weeks, gosh !!! I am starting to get a little nervous now but I guess that is normal.
Dave is Dave ... same old same old, you know how it goes. He is dealing with a lot of stress at work which doesn't make him a happy chappy at all but what can one do right. He said he might take Monday off and make it a long weekend and then Friday he is off too, so hopefully the break does him good. He is actually painting our deck right now which is a huge job so I probably won't see him most of the weekend.
Jade had her first Easter Egg Hunt at school yesterday but today we had one in the neighborhood too. This pic was taken before we left the house, as you can see for those that don't see Jade much, yep, she has lost her two front teeth, it looks terrible and yep, you won't be getting too many pics over the next while until they grow in ...
Anyway the kids did a little bit of a parade from a block away from the clubhouse to the clubhouse, considering there are so many kids in this neighborhood the turn out was really bad, shame their organizing was pretty good but the turnout must have been disappointing for them. Here is a pic of some of the kids before they started their parade.
Once they got to the clubhouse, the kids had to find 3 eggs what were hidden in the forest and then go to the table and turn them in, in exchange they got to chose 5 treats which were either candy, or pencils and erasers, stickers or tattoos and they got a ticket for the drawing of 6 Easter Baskets. They then had to guess how many jelly beans were in a jar for another basket. Then they got snow cones and popcorn and got to play on the playground. Oh and they got their face kinda painted ...
Jade won the guess to the jelly bean jar so she won a basket which she is thoroughly enjoying as you can well imagine, oh golly ... Spring Break with way too much sugar, maybe it's not going to be so much fun !!!
Next week she has the 107.9 The Link big Easter Eggstravaganza that we always go to so we are looking forward to that, the weather is getting warmer now, it was great this morning but hopefully it doesn't get hot too quickly.
Then the following week the 18th, Jade is going to CMC Pineville where she was delivered and where the baby will be delivered and there she will be given a sibling tour and lesson, I am looking forward to that as I believe it is very cute, hope Dave will go with us :-)
That's all from me for now, Happy Easter everyone.
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