It is a great day, not hot, it's only 13 degrees outside but he sun is shining and it is very warm, a typical Spring day I guess. Dave is outside painting the deck which seems to be a never ending job, poor guy. My mom keeps on saying he should have left it for when my dad comes but in all honesty I think as much as he would have loved that, he had to paint the outside of the deck which is like 14 feet up in the air so climbing up the ladder that high and hanging on for dear life while he paints, well let's just say that I think it was best he did that ... sorry dad !!! Anyway he is almost done although the deck part that you walk on looks like it might need a second coat but I think that is the easy part, well I hope so.
I am inside just tidying up which also seems to be a never ending story really but I guess that is what happens when you move into a nice big house. I am not complaining, I totally love my house but there is still lots to do, much to unpack, sort out and of course decorating will happen in time but we are going so which is so not my thing but I haven't really had an option being so far pregnant at this point.
On the subject of my pregnancy, at this point we are praying that this little baby girl hangs in there and comes more later than sooner. I had my regular trip to the OB last week, I am now going once every two weeks and soon I am sure I will be doing the rounds with all the doctors in the practice to meet them all, that is standard practice here. Anyway you know that we had decided that my date of induction would be the 21st of May well that already would be a week and a half early due date wise, my due date was May 29th well ... and this scares me half to death !!! They were not going to do another ultrasound for the remainder of my pregnancy, because everything was measuring right and all seemed well, there was apparently no need but it was starting to worry me, it was just such a long time since my last scan which was at 19 weeks, what if something was wrong and they didn't pick it up ... not that we even wanted to go there but being pregnant you can't help and think these things, also I was having weird dreams that I was having a boy and my gosh I have so much pink stuff, way more than I had with Jade it was just freaking me out that if I had a boy, oh my gosh I would have to change everything and start from scratch so, at my last check up I asked my OB if I was allowed to having another scan which she agreed on but at my next check up which was last week.
So the good news is that we are definitely having a girl !!! Thank God for that !!! But the bad news is that the fluid around the baby is borderline low, it needs to be at least 5cm and I was 7.5 which is ok if it stays there but if it goes lower it would not only make delivery very difficult but it could be dangerous for the baby. Of course my OB told me not to worry but what did she think I would do. She said on my next visit to her office we would scan again and if the fluid stayed at 7.5cm we were ok but if it decreased or went below 5cm she might have to induce me then, that would be the 22nd of April and 5 weeks early, did I say I was scared to death.
Anyway I did the wrong thing when I came home, I researched it online and of course there you hear all the nightmare stuff all the things that can go wrong with baby and mom ... developmental problems and OMG just so much I wish I had not looked, but I have to keep telling myself that the OB said, not to worry so I am trying very hard to stay calm and not to worry. She said that if I had to deliver at 35 weeks the baby would be fine, and that I believe because I have spoken to many people that have said that or even experienced that but still, the longer she stays in there the better so we are hoping and praying what is meant to be will be and we will just wait and see what happens on the 22nd. We are pretty much ready for her if she came now but I really would want my parents to be here but I know we have good Friend here that would help us out with Jade so I am not too concerned with all that. I would need to run out and buy one or two things last minute but we will be ok, I just pray the baby is ok. So that's the latest on the pregnancy.
Back onto a lighter note ... Easter :-) Jade has been on Spring Break this past week, she and I didn't do anything too fun unfortunately but at least she had yesterday to look forward to, it was our yearly trip to the big Easter Eggstravaganza that is always held at the park close to our old house. It had rained big time on Friday so we figured it was going to be a mess but it wasn't too bad, Jade still got to do her big hunt which I normally video while Dave helps her collect candy but this time, he has not locked the car properly so went back to lock it ... that sounds weird I know but we take a bus from a near location that drops us right at the Eggstravaganza, it's part of the fun and he had seen from the bus so needed to take the trip back and then meet us later, so sad but anyway. Here is a pick of all the candy she and I picked up :-)
Then we stopped to get her face painted which would have been really pretty had she not had a fringe but anyway ... she was happy and that is all that mattered right :-)
She went on a bunch of rides but the lines were really long this year which was terrible as it was warm and standing long periods of time in the sun was not something that I enjoyed but anyway it was all part of the fun I guess, here she is on a surf board that moves that you have to balance on, she did pretty well actually, I am surprised that she didn't ask for a surf board afterwards she had so much fun on it. I guess if we lived close to the ocean she would be more inclined to want one right :-)
We took two video's as well, one is of her on this elastic thingi, it looked like a lot of fun but was totally exhausting I am sure :-) The other is on this trampoline thing which I knew she would be good on since she had done it before, only I think she was so caught up in doing the back flips that she forgot she needed to use her feet to push herself up so the guy helping had to do it the entire time, poor guy. She did a front flip too but I did not get that on video, oh well.
Afterwards we went out for a quick lunch then we came home, Dave continued on the deck while Jade played outside with the neighbors, I was lucky enough to take a quick nap and then joined her outside, so we had a nice day :-)
Well it looks like we might go out this afternoon after all, Dave just came in quickly and I said it would be nice to go out and enjoy the sunshine, even though he really needs to finish the deck, it's Easter, we should get out and enjoy it, so I have no idea where we are going but maybe a trip to the lake or something, we will see, maybe we can get some pics while we are out too. I actually didn't take any pics this morning while Jade did her hunt around the house and we need to do some Easter pics since we missed out on the bunny yesterday the line was just too long. So we will see, she has some Summer dresses I would love to do some pics in but it really isn't weather for that yet and with her two front teeth being out well ... mom isn't excited to do pics either (hehehe) but I will see what I can do but don't hold your breath !!!
Added a couple of hours later ...
Ok ... just to add in here we did go to the Lake so I thought I would add these quick pics, we had a good time watching all the boats go in and out, and Jade enjoyed skipping rocks with Dave and attempting to fish with a fishing pole Dave put together for her, it was really cute, she said she can't wait for Oupa to come and fish with her :-) Anyway here you go ... big fat tummy and all !!!
Anyway hope y'all had a great day or are enjoying what is left of it :-) Until next time :-)
You look fantastic really you do! So exciting isn't it!!!!
You guys look great and dont worry so much!..I know easier said than done. Our twin granddaughters were due Jan 21 and were born Dec 11..and layla only weighed 2 pounds 4 ounces! They are both doing incredible and are strong and healthy 4 months old! Im sure all will be fine and healthy and beautiful..whats her name going to be?? Amber ? have you decided? OH! And you better take TONS and TONS of pics of Jade..even w/ the missing front teeth..its a right of passage! She looks beautiful as always!
Love to you all! Kathy
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