Firstly and most importantly, it looks like this little girl is going to hang in there for the duration, for her sake I am happy since I know every day she is in there she grows stronger but on that note, golly I think I have another gymnast on my hands, she is making me very uncomfortable right now. She is well into 5 pounds in size and apparently about 17 inches in length, that's like a ruler and a half, gosh now wonder I feel so gosh darn uncomfortable, anyway it won't be long, another three and a bit weeks and she will hopefully make her appearance, I am scheduled to be induced on the 21st of May so I shouldn't say hopefully but that's when she will make her appearance at the latest !!!
On the 18th, I took Jade for a sibling tour at the hospital the baby is going to be born at, this is the same hospital Jade was born at, anyway there were a bunch of other parents with their kids there too and it was all very cute to watch. They didn't give as much information as I thought they would and covered more on jealousy of a sibling than the safety of the baby which I thought was weird but anyway, it was well done and the kids got to make their new brothers or sisters welcome to the world cards which was nice. They also got big brother or sister t-shirts which you will see below in their group picture. Jade was a pro at putting on a diaper, she has been practising a while now already :-) I definitely think she is going to be a good second mother and not just a big sister.
What was funny though, is how outspoken she is, when they were getting the talk about how much time mommy and daddy will be spending holding and loving the baby and how little sleep mommy and daddy might get and how tired they might be, Jade said ... yeah and if my mommy doesn't get enough sleep she gets cranky (hehehe) she is not wrong there, that is for sure but I have a dream child in Jade, she is so good and has been so wonderful during this pregnancy, if I needed to take a rest, she would give me the time to rest, she really has been amazing and so loving and caring, thank God coz her dad is so not that kinda guy so getting it in huge doses from Jade made things easier.
Another thing she said in the class that was funny is that they were talking about the baby moving in mommy's tummy and Jade said, yeah and my mom thinks that is gross, she does not like it !!! She's right of course but it was embarrassing for her to blurt out like she did, at least she didn't say that mommy said it's coz she has watched too many alien movies (hehehe). Anyway it was a nice mommy and daughter experience since daddy didn't want to go.
Ok well, I think we are finally into the warm weather now, well into the 80's, I wonder if it is here to stay though, the mornings are still fresh and cool but the afternoons especially this weekend have been really hot, I have definitely taken big time strain. The kids have had a ball though, playing out in the sprinkler and on slip and slides, the water is still frozen as far as I know but they still have had fun :-) Our pool opens on the 23rd of May and well I will most probably if all goes well, be in hospital, so will miss the big pool opening and of course the big party with entertainment and free food and drinks, I will have to send my folks with Jade so they can have fun, Jade cannot wait for the pool to open and for Oupa to go down the slide with her (hehehe), hoping you are ready for that Oupa !!!
On Saturday morning we had a yard sale, our neighborhood had one so we joined in, I made some good money on the stuff I was getting rid of and the rest I just dropped off at Goodwill since I didn't want it back in the house again. I let Jade sell her soft toys and told her that whatever money she made was hers to spend on whatever well ... she was so excited to be in business as she said but she didn't make too many sales, mostly coz anyone that was interested in buying a soft toy eventually got it for free, she is such a giving child, I was so proud of her !!! The funny thing is she gave stuff she was suppose to sell away free but then the little boy across the street was playing with an empty box in Daves garage and Jade sold it to him for a dollar (hehehe), totally impressed her dad of course (hehehe).
After that we quickly had lunch and then went off to a local radio stations little fair they were having at a local shopping area, there was a lot for Jade to do there but she was only interested in one thing, in the middle of this shopping area there is a big water fountain and there were so many kids playing in the fountain, which of course is not allowed but they were still doing it all the same. Initially I told Jade she could roll up her pants and wade around but that didn't last long and eventually she was swimming and having a ball. I told Dave she was having an out of Africa experience, swimming in the fountain fully clothed waiting for the cops to come chase her out ... which eventually did happen but anyway, she had lots of fun before she had to get out. We obviously had to go home after that as she was cold and sopping wet but it made for a fun afternoon.
Yesterday was hot again, I went and did my monthly grocery shopping which really took it's toll on me, pushing that heavy cart was no fun but at least the job is now done. I then sat outside chatting with a neighbor until it was time to come in and make dinner. Jade was so exhausted from playing outside all day that she went off to sleep quickly but still took strain getting up this morning.
Well I am sitting her now waiting for the electrician to arrive, he has to come and install our ceiling fan on the roof of our two story great room, which is like 24 feet up, gosh I am glad that Daves ladder doesn't get up that high as I would have hated to see him do that ... Then its off shopping and probably another afternoon outdoors.
Not long till my parents come, 3 weeks maybe, we are all getting excited now !!! Take care till next time.