We always make a day out of it and really enjoy it !!! The only thing we did differently this year is we didn't watch the jousting which we always do but we were busy enough that we didn't miss it ... also this year we passed on the traditional turkey leg and tried the bread bowls for lunch ... bad decision :-(
I somehow think this tree guy looked different last year, I need to go back and look. I tried to persuade Jade to go and stand between his legs like others were, for a photo but she didn't want to hear of it (hehehe).
Jade was mesmerised by all the wings, obviously with Renaissance being all about Fairies too, there are many fairies to see and lots of wings and outfits for sale.
Here is one of those fairies, she was beautiful, she played a flute and I too was mesmerised by her :-) She called the kids over and out of her pocket she would pull out a flattened clear marble but it was full of fairy dust so when she placed it in your hands you were covered in fairy dust, Jade loved this and went back twice for more :-)
Here are some knights, probably ones that partook in the jousting, I am not sure, I am always amazed at how many people dress the part for the festival, it's pretty neat actually, I could just sit and people watch all day, I love this festival :-)
I actually bought Jade a very regal dress for the festival but it was too long and it just would have gotten buggered up so I let her wear this one, the boots were not ideal but still she kinda looked the part and as she walked by, people working at the festival would refer to her as being a princess and she was just tickled pink by all that !!! Next year she can wear the other one !!!
Last year if you can remember Jade rode the elephant, well this year the elephant was on break when we went by him so she decided she would ride the camel instead this year :-)
This year since Jade was just a little bit older we decided to let her go on this trampoline thingi ... I knew with her gymnastics background she would be fine on it and since she is so close to doing a back handspring on her own, I knew she would enjoy this, see for yourself, do you think she did :-)
Here she filled a bottle with color sand ... we were all upset that before we even left the sand had gotten all messed up, we don't think it was compressed tight enough but oh well ... we live and learn right !!!
I don't think I have seen these mushrooms there before, very cute.
Here Jade is doing a small ride, thought it would make a funny picture since as you can see all the rides are manually driven by people ... obviously :-)
Last but not least here are two character pics ...
See you next year Renaissance Festival !!!
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