Let me back track here a bit, two weekends ago Jade and I went to see Disney On Ice, every year I like to take her to some ice show but I was excited about this one since there were 4 stories, Cars, Lion Kind, Little Mermaid and TINKERBELL !!! Yeah not Peter Pan but Tinkerbell ... I had no idea what that story would be all about but I was exited for Jade since Tinkerbell has been the character for the past year or so :-)
The show was good, the Tinkerbell part was a little confusing but I think she got it, hopefully she got it. It was a great mom and daughter fun morning, of course dad has had his fill of ice skating over the years so didn't think twice about getting out of this one (hehehe) !!! I actually took lots of video if I get a chance I will load some.
After that Jades school had their Fall Festival which to me was a little disappointing but Jade had fun and that is all that matters right. Dave was out at the house laying surround sound cables etc. so he got out of that one too, lucky guy !!!
I am sure I have mentioned it before but Jade is really loving school, this weekend she said the best part of school is learning to write, I was sure it would be the playground, or gym class or the bus ride but was thrilled to hear just how excited she is about learning to write and well we all know she loves reading so that she is enjoying too :-) Now let's hope this excitement follows all the way up to graduation right.
Anyway, this past week was even more fun for her, they had a mock farm day where the kids had to either come to school dressed as a farm animal or a farmer, well mom being so uncreative dressed her like a farmer and she looked too cute, I totally didn't have time to take pictures at 6h30 in the morning so you will have to take my word on that one. She had dark green overalls on with a cute checked shirt under it, and pony tails, she loved it :-) Today they are going to a real farm, it will be the first field trip Jade has taken without me so I am a little nervous of that.
Actually that's not true, last week they took a short field trip to the fire station but that being just across the road that wasn't too big a deal for me not to attend, but this one is a good way away, they get on the bus at 8h30 this morning and wont be back till just before school comes out. She is so exited, hopefully I get lots of details as to how it went. It's cold today so hopefully she is warm enough, no rain hopefully but it's 2 degrees here this morning, later should be a lot warmer but Winter is on it's way that is for sure.
What also was fun for her this past week is the school had a Donuts for Dads morning, so instead of her catching the school bus, Dave took her to school and he and all the other dads had some coffee and donuts with their kids before school and going off to work, too cute.
Friday this week the kids are all doing a mile run at the school, I am going to pop down before going to work early Friday to support Jade, that's going to be a long run for the little Kindergartners, I am not even sure they have to run the entire distance but it is definitely advertised that way so we will see :-) hold thumbs, thank God she is very athletic so she should be ok.
Now onto the house, as you can see they have started with the brick work, I was a little disappointed how similar the bricks were to the house next door to use but I think the more I look at it, the more I can see the difference and once the siding is up and our colors are different, things will be better. We have two totally different shape houses so there is no chance they will look that similar.
This one is from the back, you can see they have started the siding, it's hardy plank so it gets painted the color we chose so what you see there is not the finished product.
Here you can see they have started the drywall inside, what a mess and oh how dusty but it's starting to take shape, it looks so very different with the drywall, amazing actually :-)
We actually got to meet our neighbors yesterday too, they moved into their house about two weeks ago, Jeff and Wendy, they have 3 kids, lets see if I can get this right, Hope is 8, Holly is 10 and David is 13. Jade got to play outside with them while the adults talked, they seemed nice so that's good to know :-)
So yeah, that's the update for this week, I am sure I will have more pictures next weekend. Have a good week.
1 comment:
The house looks great! It is so exciting! How are you? I'm so sorry I haven't stayed in touch. I feel like I need two more of me.
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