Saturday, April 26, 2008

Still Nothing Much To Report ...

Oh well what can I say, nothing too much happening around here at that moment, the big excitement this past week is that they had Beginners Night at Matthews Elementary which is where Jade will be starting Kingdergarten in the Fall. She was so excited to go see her new school and mom and dad were excited too only very much to moms disgust she got hit with a bug on Wednesday night which hit her bad and kicked her butt all day Friday :-( so I had to miss out. I was so sad to have missed that especially since you know dads ... they don't take in all the info us moms do but thankfully Dave brought home a big folder full of information that they gave out which gives me an idea of some of the topics they covered.

I cannot imagine my child getting on the school bus in the Fall but before we know it Summer will be here and over with and off she will go, that is going to be one emotional day for me, that I can tell you.

Jade has turned into a little Diva lately, she is all about the dresses and the higher the heels the happier she is, not to mention that she doesn't want her hair tied up anymore and now is getting picky with what I want her to wear, she's too much, can't imagine what teenagehood is going to be like, I have fear to dads pocket though, she has expensive taste ... you go girl !!!

Back to the weather and talking about Summer, it seems that the weather is getting warmer and Summer might be around the corner, gosh and the long Summer school vacation is just around the corner ... I had hoped to pass a good deal of time between here and Canada but it turns out that my cousin can't come down this year :-( I am so sad about that. Jade and I might still go up and spend a week or so up there but it all depends really on timing and if these aweful gas prices go down some, they are killing us at the moment.

I am still not sure what day the pool opens I need to look into that, gosh since I stepped down from being on all the committees in this neighborhood I sure am in the dark a lot of the time :-) sometimes with all the politics that goes with being on a committee sometimes it is just safer or better being that way :-)

Well I am in the swing of all my jewelry parties again, it's been a little slow for a while, I guess I just lacked motivation but now I am going well again which is great, busy but great !!!

Otherwise what can I tell you, Dave is still trying to figure out how to either get his bicyle fixed or replaced, poor guy I think is getting withdrawls from his mountain biking, at least he got his cell phone replaced, thank Heavens !!!

As for what is coming up this next week, Thursday we have our parent teacher conference at Jades school, this is where they will tell us how ready Jade is for 'big' school or what we still need to practise to prepare her, hopefully the report is good, hold thumbs.

That's all for me for now, I need to take some more pics soon ... there just havent been any good opportunities lately. Take care.

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