Friday, February 19, 2010

Taken This Past Wed - 17th Feb 2010 !!!

These were some pics taken quickly before I left for work and Dave took the girls off to church for Ash Wednesday, they both had the same skirts on and Jade wanted me to take some pictures.

As you can tell still battling the neck issue with Amber, one day good one day bad ... hopefully the crawling etc. will just make it all stronger and it won't be a problem anymore.

My flash didn't go off for this one so it's not great but it was such a cute picture.

Sisters exchanging kisses :-)

I love this one, so layed back and relaxed don't you think ?

Jade will be mad if she sees I have cropped her out of this picture but it wasn't a good one of her (hehehe).

Shame sometimes Jade just gets so in Ambers face and lies all over her, Amber gets frustrated and pushes her away and it really upsets Jade or hurts her feelings ... I am sure there will be a lot of that in years to come.

Amber on the crawl, you cannot take your eyes off her a second and she is gone, she makes a B line for the door but keeps turning around to see if you are watching or coming after her and if you get up she puts her head down and crawls faster, very cute.

Jade regressing and crawling along side her, Amber thinks this is funny :-)

That's it for now, have a good weekend.

1 comment:

Tiana said...

Hey there - Olivia has that exact same skirt on today - it's gorgeous, and I'm loving the pics, can't wait to meet Amber and see just how much Jade has grown! T.