I worked Friday morning so decided to do a party in her class, all the kids had hats but were not too keen on them but anyway, she still had a fun time and everyone enjoyed the cake.
Later after naptime and when Jade arrived home from school we went off to that yucky ChuckECheese so the kids could have a fun time, my friend Tina and Tyler and Layla joined us. Funny that this picture below, I have the same one of Jade on her second birthday.
Awe, she was having such a fun time :-)
Jade was not thrilled that I told her it was her sisters birthday and that she needed to drive this ride :-)
Ok so I think she has her dads dare devid genes don't you ?
Climbing up in that tube thingi with Jade, she only did that once this time around, she didn't seem too keen to stay up there, I don't blame her it must be hot in there.
Late night cake and candles at home, Jade said we couldn't have cake till we were all together and well that landed up being after 8 at night so ... I think my cousin Karen would be disgusted we all waited that long since their tradition is cake for breakfast on your birthday :-)
Also we had been practising for a long time and I thought this year Amber would blow out her own candles but after a few tries I think we were all desperate for cake so it was a team effort, better luck next year Amber :-)
Now I want to thank everyone that called, emailed, texted, sent cards and gifts, what a lucky little girl I have, she was really spoilt, thank you all for loving her like you do. We took pictures of the unwrapping as well but I have so many pictures I need to upload tonight that I am sorry I am only adding so few.
Anyway remember to scroll up and down to see all the rest of the weekends activities.
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