The big day has arrived, off to the hairdresser we went at 10am where we sat for an hour having her hair done, I wanted her hair to be different, soft flowing curls but this is the way Jade wanted it, she showed the hairdresser a picture and that was the end of that. This was my gift to Jade since I am sure daddy would have heard nothing of paying that crazy amount to get her hair done but I just wanted her special day to be perfect :-)
Here she was coming down the stairs for the first time, so this was the first time Dave saw her all dressed up and I wonder what was going through his mind, I was tearing up for sure, all I can say is that daddy needs to start saving for the weddings one day !!!
Close up of her hair and top of dress.
Love this one of her sitting on our front stairs.
This was taken just outside of the church before she needed to go in, we had to be there 45 minutes early for her to meet up for a run through of the service with all their teachers, I went to go sit in the church, you would think getting there early would have gotten me great seats but no so much :-( Dave arrived just before the service was to begin. Thank you Pam for watching Amber while she slept, that was a huge help to us :-) allowed us to concentrate on just Jade on her special day.
Quickly took a picture of her in her practice row before the rest of the kids sat down :-)
There were hundreds of banners on display as you walked into the church, see if you can spot Jades :-)
This was just some of the kids getting ready to do their practice behind the scenes ... it was so cute to see them all dressed up and excited back there.
Jade getting ready to walk down the aisle to her seat.
Walking very proudly past us :-)
About to go up and receive her First Holy Communion, ok so there were many pics here that I had to delete coz I was so teared up they were all blurry !!! What a proud moment.
I was so thankful Msgr McSweeney did the service, he did Ambers Baptism too and we love him, he actually did all four Masses that day, amazing man !!!
By the way, you see that cloth over the Alter behind the Father, with all the grapes on it, well at the retreat I went on with Jade, each kid personally added a grape, how cool is that ???
Below the kids were about to do a song for us, Dave video'd it so hopefully soon we can post it here for you to see.
These were just the kids receiving the First Holy Communion at our Mass there were 4 other Masses just like this.
This was so cute, there were many kids in our road that were also receiving their First Holy Communion this day but we were all spread across the 4 different Mass times. Anyway this is Jacob, he lives 3 door down from us and is one of Jades friends, he was actually in Jades class last year, anyway he was in the Mass after us but we bumped into them on our way out and their way in so we took this quick picture. They looked so cute together but then I said to them, you look like a bride and groom and slowly Jacob edged away from Jade, too funny, so this is the only close picture I got of them :-)
Jades cake ... yep way too much cake in this house this weekend !!!
Yep more family pics ... so don't expect a Mothers Day picture !!!
We can't go without some posing on the deck :-)
Another nice picture of the whole dress.
Some of the beautiful presents she got, thank you so much for all spoiling her so very much, Dave and I appreciate you all so much.