Just to tell you about a few up and coming things and latest goings on, I mentioned to you that Amber is not walking 100 % yet, well we have taken her back to physio as of last Monday and it seems because she didn't crawl properly and went straight to the bear crawl that she did not build her core muscles in her tummy so we are exercising them as much as we can now in the hope that it will help her balance more. We thought it might have something to do with her neck but apparently it has nothing to do with that, it's all about her tummy muscles and leg muscles not being strong enough, she is still very lose, kind of like a 'pap' baby so she needs to toughen up, ok that scares me coz she is one tough tot already !!! Also she has never liked shoes so that hasn't helped the situation either even when we were told by our pediatrician long ago that it's better to learn to walk without shoes, so much for that. So we had to go out and get some really expensive shoes for her and we are now breaking them in, she doesn't mind them for short periods of time but when she wants them off she wants them off. She walks way better without them but only time will tell if it helps her walking improve. Anyway so we go Mondays for physio, like I need some other activity in my busy schedule. Also since Dave had issues with his feet and legs as a baby, we are hoping none of that has flowed over into Amber but physio should help all around so we are hoping for the best !!!
Last weekend we went to the Cabarras County Fair, as usual it was great fun, we thought we might get rained out but the weather was amazing, the perfect day for the Fair. We took Tina's son Louis with us and him and Jade had a ball on all the rides together. Amber enjoyed the petting zoo until a lamb stuck his face right against her nose and the poor child almost had a heart attack, man I wish I had had the video running, poor thing I think I would most definitely have won a prize on Americas Funniest Videos :-) Jade and Louis both participated in stage shows, Louis at the pig races and Jade at a dog show, again I have videos but just need to the time to upload them, sorry for the wait.
Jade was at a party at Tina last night and tonight she is at a neighbors birthday party, both nights out till 10pm, golly I wonder what I have to look forward to when she becomes a teenager if she is starting this late night stuff now.
Today I spent half the day at the Avon Breast Cancer Walk training, not sure if you know or if I have mentioned it before but Tina and I are signed up as crew for this walk over one weekend the end of October, it is a huge event and we are both looking forward to what we believe to be a very rewarding experience, ok not so much for the camping part but for the rest, I will write more on that later.
Tomorrow I am going to the Southern Womans Show with my girlfriend Pam, I love this time of the year, there are so many shows ... after this crazy hectic and stressful week, I am looking forward to a break to just relax and walk around at the show :-)
Ok lot's more to look forward to in the next month or so, The Renaissance Festival, A neighborhood Cheese and Wine for Adults Only :-) A trip to the Corn Maize, The Avon Breast Cancer Walk and then Halloween with lots of parties for that to run up to the 31'st Trick or Treat night :-) And that takes us up till the end of October only, wow ... And one of those weekends I am babysitting Tina's kids so she and hubby can have a well deserved break, busy busy busy, did I say I was busy, I am just for warning you so you know if you don't hear from me what we are up to ok :-)
Love to all.
Oh one last thing, this is a quick picture of Jades class that the teacher took for her website.
Ok that's me for now ... remember to scroll down for all the updates ok.
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