As usual we went away for Dave's birthday, my gift to him, being a long weekend it is always nice to take advantage of this opportunity to go away, also being so close to the end of Summer. Last year we didn't go away I don't think because Amber was too little and we had already done a trip to San Diego so this year since Amber did so well on our trip to Florida, I figured why not :-)
We have been to Myrtle Beach so many times but we love it there, I believe going in Winter it is no fun because so much is closed from October already I hear, so when we go the end of the year for Thanksgiving well it won't be half as nice but oh well, it will be a break for me for the most part ... who am I kidding going away isn't a break for me, it's more hard work but still I enjoy it as long as the girls are good :-)
Also there was so much that was new and pretty there since we last went, they have a fantastic boardwalk now, totally loved that, we spent Friday night down there, can't wait if my brother and Gigi come in Summer to take them there too, the vibe was amazing and gosh how much more fun it could have been without kids, sorry girls :-( but there were bands playing and well it was just really cool.
Here's a pic of Dave and Jade at Boardwalk By The Beach, we actually went there Saturday and Sunday night it was so much fun with fireworks to die for, we had such fun.

Nice pic of the girls, only Amber got a bad rash all over her body, not sure if it was from the beach or the chemicals in the pool or something she ate but she was fine with it but I still went to the pharmacy to get some Benedryl for her, she had never had Benedryl before and as it is suppose to, it made her super sleepy and cranky so the first night at Boardwalk By The Beach which is not the boardwalk I mentioned above that overlooks the ocean, this is a shopping area, anyway we had to leave early and make it an early night which really wasn't a bad thing after all.

This climbing thing is absolutely amazing, talked Jade into going on it and when she first got going she couldn't figure it out and got a little scared or sad, who knows but came on down, I asked one of the helper which she initially turned down coz she thought she could do it on her own, to help her and well then there was no stopping her, she was on there forever, she had such a great time, we had to eventually call her down coz we had to go, we think she might have been on there a good hour and a half. I could never have done it, it looked scary, it was like three stories up in the air and even though you couldn't fall golly it was like you were walking on all these beams and stuff and well you were super high, but again, I knew she would totally love it and she did :-) what a brave girl I have.

Ok mom this one is for you ... this stand was all licorice if you can believe it but it's one of these stores where you pay by the pound, never buy anything there coz the weight is deceiving and by the time you get to the checkout, you almost die at the cost and really feel too embarrassed to put it back :-(

Just a pic of the girls just before bedtime. In this pic you can see Ambers pack and play bed next to ours, next time Dave can sleep on her side coz every morning she would wake up early even though our room had curtains in it that made the room so dark you had no clue what time it was when you woke up so I am amazed she was awake, but she would lean over and pat me the entire time till I rolled over and said hi :-) clearly she has not learnt like Jade has that mommy is not a morning person so don't wake the beast (hehehe) !!!

Look at this lady of leisure.

Just some pics of the family on the beach, Amber loved the beach and even more so the water, golly the water was actually amazing, so much warmer than the pool water, it is not often I go far in past the breakers but this weekend we were all far in past the breakers so much of the time, it was really nice :-) We all had a lot of fun.

I love this one, it just looks so cute don't you think. Yep Amber is 16 months old and not walking too much on her own yet, she does but only in familiar areas like in our house. Actually from when this picture was taken till now, she has improved so much is is walking so much more, actually walking more than crawling now I think.

This was Amber getting started on her cupcake for dessert.

And this was when she was almost done !!!

And this is big sister not trying to get her hands dirty.

I thought this one was cute at the fountain and it would have been perfect with Amber in coz again they had the same dress on but I didn't get a pic of it but when it comes to water, oh well it was just easier to leave her in her stroller and not let her near the fountain ... enough said right :-)

Another cute one of the girls, look how light their hair is from all the sun, now Jade is a true blonde !!!

Amber breaking all the playground rules and trying to climb up the slide.

More beach pics, I am sad that so many of our pics look so dark but we used to be down on the beach around 8h30 in the morning so as to beat the heat of the day, we would do the beach and the pool and then at around 12h30 go have lunch in our room and then while Dave and Jade went back down to the pool and beach, Amber would nap ... oh and me too sometimes (hehehe) only on the one day when she had a good long nap !!! And then we would go out the rest of the evening, shopping, dinner and whatever and get back around 10 ish for bed. What a great time we had and it all worked out so well.

Amber really had a good time, these are the times I am sad we don't live closer to the beach, I love the beach and miss it so much although when we lived close to it we didn't go much but that could be because the water was so cold there ... and well now with kids, I just miss it !!!

Just more of the girls playing together :-)

Now the pool area at our resort / hotel was too cool, we had a large heated indoor swimming pool, two hottubs, a splash pool for Amber, a lazy river that was half indoors and half outdoors and this huge pirate ship with splash areas for the kids. I only took pics on the last day and it had just rained so my pics are all so dark so I will only post a few :-( sorry.
This was at the splash pool where Amber could easily climb in and out of herself, it was about a foot deep. The water was cold though after the sea water but she didn't seem to mind, it was cold for me ... oh and dad just loved the hottub so since it was his birthday weekend I watched the kids sometimes so he could enjoy it by himself a bit :-)

This was the pirate ship outside, I think if the water wasn't so cold the kids would have enjoyed it more, it was pretty cool, not sure if my pics show it enough but hopefully you get the idea.

Here are the three of them on the lazy river, it was pretty cool that Amber didn't mind this coz we could float around as a family and just relax, although there was a play where a big bucket of cold water could fall on you so sometimes I skipped that part as there was a point you could short cut and bypass that ... as much as they tried to get me to go that route, I only did it a couple of times when I wasn't as cold in that water :-)

Last one of Amber before we left and hit the road for daddy's birthday breakfast and then for the long road home.

Happy Birthday to the love of my life, my wonderful husband, no birthday cake this year so we had to settle for a chocolate pancake with lots of cream that everyone enjoyed :-)

I had really hoped for a good birthday picture here but no matter which way they stood the sun was too bright and Jade was taking big time strain so sorry this is the only one that was half decent, and I wanted to show off their holiday dresses too and this doesn't do them any justice either :-(

Ok that's it for this update ... hopefully you enjoy all the pics, sorry it was so late but I am just busy busy busy back at work now !!!