So about two weeks ago we had a safety appreciation day of sorts at our clubhouse, with the cop and fire safety people out there, gave us an opportunity to say thanks for all they do. Lot's of fun and games, free drinks and food and face paining of course ...
This was the first one Jade had done :-) This one got messed up, will tell you later why and then she had another one done, pic to follow.
Action pic (hehehe) yeah cows can jump, Jade hula hooping with the ChickFilA cow.
Dave and Amber before she broke free of the stroller !!!
Amber having a fun time at this point but it only got better after she got out of the stroller.
As mentioned she got her face painted twice, this was towards the end of the evening when she was all hot and sweaty after winning a watermelon eating competition ... say no more, hickville here we come (hehehe).
This is the first time she has played with sidewalk chalk and she totally loved it, only I gave her a white one coz I thought it would do less damaged to her, yeah right but she eventually found all the colors :-) guess I will be buying some of that soon.
This was taken this past weekend, so she was 15 months old, messy hair coz it was in the morning and she was obviously in the bath getting it washed, but here it is before it got wet and later you will see it when it has been washed, too cute :-)
She has learnt to blow kisses but with tons of emphasis and sound, but consider this the A pic and B to follow ...
And there is your first blog kiss everyone ... enjoy, many to follow I am sure !!!
She is also very big into playing peekaboo right now and was playing it here with her big sister.
After her bath, mommy was very excited to introduce her to all Jades old CareBears :-) Love this stage coz mommy loves the Carebears, thank Heavens she was not scared of them or anything coz I think she is younger than Jade when I introduced them to her.
Here her hair is still very wet from the bath but you will see a pic of all the curls when they dry and of course the bow does not stay in too long at all, but I put it at the back of her head for a pic later and it looked so cute, the best thing is she didn't know it was there.
She totally loves music, loves to sing, loves to dance and loves to clap and put her hands up in the air 'hooray'. Thank God no kiddies music forced on us like when Jade was a baby, she totally loves all the loud music Jade and I play in the car, it's too cool !!!
Having fun sitting next to her big sister :-)
Some more shots of them :-) I like this one, here you can see how different they are, Amber actually looks a lot like Jade when she was this age but just with the darker hair, darker eyes and way darker skin but I think coz of her coloring everyone says she looks so much like me (hehehe) that would be nice if I had a baby that looked like she was actually mine :-)
Sadly all Jades other ones of her alone were all blurry coz Amber was climbing all over me :-(
Ok so Amber is still not walking ... but I have not been encouraging it and I am not concerned at all because she takes three to four steps before getting so excited by it all and falling down. She starts walking on her own without encouragement to get to shorter distances, she stands on her own for good lengths of time without holding on anything and gets up into a standing position without pulling up on anything so I think it's just a matter of time, she will probably do it when we least expect it right :-) and there will be no video around. Here she is practising with Jade but she gets so excited to do it, it's so funny.
All the excitement just wore the two of them out :-)
Sorry the bow is skew but I just quickly stuck it in there and oh my gosh are those curls just not too cute :-) love them but they won't be there forever that I am sure of :-)
One last one of Jade :-)
I actually have more to tell but don't have the time now as Amber is waking up so that will have to do for now, enjoy :-)
1 comment:
You have such beautiful children and yes Amber looks just like you.
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