She was upset Amber was not going to the orientation day with us because I bought Amber the same dress and well Jade loves it when they wear the same thing, I will try and take some pics some other time of the two of them in this dress and post them then ...
These pics were all taken on our back deck.
Can't believe how her hair has grown since the beginning of Summer, thankfully because we were not as much at the pool this year as we usually are, at least her hair is in a decent condition :-)
Gosh the deck needs work, wish my dad was here ... he would help Dave with that, come Fall and cooler weather we are going to have to get cracking there.
Then these were taken the morning she went to second grade, so at like 6h30 in the morning ... golly we all took strain getting up that early but I am sure it won't be long and we will be in the swing of things again, I am so not an early morning person so not sure if I will ever get completely used to it !!!
Where has the time gone, most people know I am so not a baby person so I am enjoying my kids more and more as they get older, of course they come with new challenges but oh well what doesn't right :-) Also can't believe this is Jades second year at her new school, I guess I can't call it new anymore but having just looked at her first grade pictures also taken by our fireplace, it rings home how long we have now been in this house too ... again where has the time gone ?
She is still very into all her fairy and Tinkerbell stuff but we figured it was time for a change when it came to backpacks and lunch boxes this year so she moved onto Hannah Montana, which is so not a good role model for my child but what can you do, everything lately is about Hannah Montana and Justin Bieber which also is not great, golly what is a mom suppose to do ?
Here she is standing in the dark at our bus stop, shame, she so wanted to go stand with the rest of the kids at the earlier bus stop but this one she is at, is right outside our house and I am nervous that if we don't use it, they might take it away so I have had to force the issue a little until school gets going a little longer and then we can see ...
And there she goes ... :-)
The just three other pics that I wanted to post, a few weeks ago I had my jewelry renewal show, I made it a Diva Dessert Evening and it was a great success only I had a lot of yummy stuff left over, some I gave to neighbors and some went to Dave's work, I had to get rid of it all, it was all too good to have at arms length. Anyway here are some pics of the food. The chocolate fountain was a big hit and so was my peppermint pie which didn't have true peppermint crisp in it like it should but it tasted just as good :-)
There's the peppermint pie ... not bad right :-) you can also see all the yummy stuff I put out to dip in the chocolate fountain. Had tons of chocolate left though which I just turfed out ... just too much to keep.
This one is for Gavin, I told him I would send him a pic, you would think we are alcoholics in this house right (hehehe) but the ladies like all their cocktails so put out a variety that they could mix themselves, I had lots of frozen Pina Colada mixed though and later in the evening I made Don Pedros which they don't do here, they were enjoyed by all too.
Ok so the next big thing is Dave's Birthday, we will be going away that weekend coz as usual Jade has off school for the Labor Day weekend and Dave is off work so we will be out of town, anyone still wishing to call Dave to wish him, can call him on his cell, email me if you don't have his number and I will pass it on :-) Remember those calling from SA that it doesn't matter whether you call a land line or a cellphone, they all cost the same in the States.
That's me for now, have a good weekend.