I am surprised Dave didn't freak out when I asked to put the air on so early but the house was so hot and you will see later, I will post a picture of the pollen here right now, so I really cannot open my windows, I am already suffering big time and even Dave said this morning, even he was feeling it so you must know.
Anyway our big hunt we usually go to was cancelled this year so sadly that was a big loss for us but Jade had a hunt at school and we had one at the clubhouse here in our neighborhood and then one of our neighbors did one across two back yards and of course Jade had her personal one at home so I think she got her fill ... or I hope so. Here are so random Easter pics, didn't get nice ones, I had planned to but it just didn't happen.
These are the ones she found in the house, the ones the Easter Bunny brought her, Amber were put in her little enclosure and actually she did very well finding them on her own but Jade felt she had to help so as Amber found them, she rehid them kind of like those birthday candles that you blow out and they keep lighting up again well ... it was funny :-)
Ambers very first taste of chocolate ...
She ate some of it and seemed to like it but then at a point enough was enough so Dave said ... what are the chances he has one girl in his house that does not like chocolate ... yeah think again Dave ... she just needs training LOL but for now I am happy for her not to like it :-)
We have had this dress a long time but it really didn't fit till now and even now it is a little lose at the back still but she loves it so well maybe you will see it next year again :-) And the shoes she loves but gosh hopefully she doesn't kill herself on them. The sun was in her eyes back there she was not happy taking these pictures and with all the pollen the bees are everywhere so ... yeah we weren't out there long.
This was the only one I got of them both with the bunny ears on, Amber wanted nothing to do with them and yanked them off all the time :-) Thought I would get some cute ones but she had other plans.
I think daddy enjoyed the bunny ears more as you can tell :-)
Then just before our neighborhood hunt Jade asked me to paint a bunny face on hers, I told her that kids would laugh at her since she is 7 now and not a baby anymore but she seemed ok with that, so oh well ... and no one laughed so she was really happy. What I didn't get pics of unfortunately one of our neighbors set up a table and helped the kids dye eggs, Jade was thrilled to bits, what fun they all had, thank you Justine :-)
Last but not least, and this picture really doesn't show it well but this is the pollen on our car outside, it's disgusting !!! Anyone that suffers with allergies, don't put your foot in Charlotte at this time of the year, it's like Allergy Capital !!!
Ok that's me for now, we are on Spring Break so I am trying to keep the kids occupied, spent the morning at Concord Mills which I love but it was crazy there. Jade has a birthday party later this afternoon so she is up taking it easy now watching a movie and Amber is napping so some quiet time for mommy ... thank God !!!
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