Oh well what can I say, nothing too much happening around here at that moment, the big excitement this past week is that they had Beginners Night at Matthews Elementary which is where Jade will be starting Kingdergarten in the Fall. She was so excited to go see her new school and mom and dad were excited too only very much to moms disgust she got hit with a bug on Wednesday night which hit her bad and kicked her butt all day Friday :-( so I had to miss out. I was so sad to have missed that especially since you know dads ... they don't take in all the info us moms do but thankfully Dave brought home a big folder full of information that they gave out which gives me an idea of some of the topics they covered.
I cannot imagine my child getting on the school bus in the Fall but before we know it Summer will be here and over with and off she will go, that is going to be one emotional day for me, that I can tell you.
Jade has turned into a little Diva lately, she is all about the dresses and the higher the heels the happier she is, not to mention that she doesn't want her hair tied up anymore and now is getting picky with what I want her to wear, she's too much, can't imagine what teenagehood is going to be like, I have fear to dads pocket though, she has expensive taste ... you go girl !!!
Back to the weather and talking about Summer, it seems that the weather is getting warmer and Summer might be around the corner, gosh and the long Summer school vacation is just around the corner ... I had hoped to pass a good deal of time between here and Canada but it turns out that my cousin can't come down this year :-( I am so sad about that. Jade and I might still go up and spend a week or so up there but it all depends really on timing and if these aweful gas prices go down some, they are killing us at the moment.
I am still not sure what day the pool opens I need to look into that, gosh since I stepped down from being on all the committees in this neighborhood I sure am in the dark a lot of the time :-) sometimes with all the politics that goes with being on a committee sometimes it is just safer or better being that way :-)
Well I am in the swing of all my jewelry parties again, it's been a little slow for a while, I guess I just lacked motivation but now I am going well again which is great, busy but great !!!
Otherwise what can I tell you, Dave is still trying to figure out how to either get his bicyle fixed or replaced, poor guy I think is getting withdrawls from his mountain biking, at least he got his cell phone replaced, thank Heavens !!!
As for what is coming up this next week, Thursday we have our parent teacher conference at Jades school, this is where they will tell us how ready Jade is for 'big' school or what we still need to practise to prepare her, hopefully the report is good, hold thumbs.
That's all for me for now, I need to take some more pics soon ... there just havent been any good opportunities lately. Take care.
Not that I ever get much time to play on the computer anymore, I have created this blog to brag about the things that mean the most to me in life, firstly my husband, David and then close runners up are my daughters Jade that is 10 years old and Amber who is 4. This is just a way for all our family and friends in South Africa to keep up to date with our lives over here in the States. Hope you enjoy it.
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Monday, April 14, 2008
Nothing Too Much To Report ...
Well it's Spring for sure ... I have been doing pretty well with my allergies so far but the past two weeks I have been taking a little more strain, hopefully it doesn't get any worse. Jade also has been rubbing her eyes a lot, golly, I hope she doesn't land up having my allergies, poor thing.
The weather has been weird, we have had temperatures into the upper 70's, definitely T-shirt days and then now we have another cold week with highs only in the early 60's and well really cold mornings, Winter mornings ... I can't believe it. To think in a little over a month it will officially be Summer and the pool will open, that's hard to believe, all I know is that water is going to be really cold !!!
Well Summer is coming quickly which means Jade only has a few weeks of school left, I can hardly believe that, gosh, then it will be over with with Preschool and into Kindergarten, my little girl is growing up for sure. We have a evening at her new school coming up so that is exciting for all of us, she is just excited about riding the school bus and nothing else at this time, it's going to be a big change for her, she is so used to the same kids at school, kids that have been with her for almost 3 years now that all the new faces and new routines etc. it's going to be a big change for her, that is for sure.
In the meantime, mom is working on what we are going to do the three months of Summer and at this stage, I have no idea. I know I want to put her in one or two Summer camps but really haven't done too much research on all that yet, I better do something soon or I might not get her in, well if worst comes to worst, we will just hang out more at the pool. She enjoyed the different pools at the gyms around us last year so we will do that too I am sure. Also I am working on another trip up to Canada again, hopefully Jade and I can spend some time up there and talk my cousin into coming down here again for a while, last Summer was such a blast !!!
Otherwise, we had a nice weekend, Friday was date night and for the first time my girlfriend Tina put her kids in at the preschool with Jade and we had a double date, nothing too fancy, dinner and some bowling which was great fun. We really had a nice time so hopefully we can do it again soon.
Then Saturday we went out fridge hunting, Monday last week our fridge packed up, what a nightmare, thank God one of my neighbors eats out a lot and had freezer space I could put all my meat in, what a mess !!! We pretty much lived out of my Coleman's for a couple of days till Tina remembered she had a little fridge we could use which has been a huge life saver. For me that cooks every day, this was terrible, buying food on a daily basis to cook and only cooking so much since the little fridge couldn't really hold too much. It was just a really hard week for me. So as I said, Saturday we went fridge hunting and couldn't find the one we wanted so eventually settled for second best which thankfully gets delivered today, I can't wait. I have a show this evening, I never have shows in a Monday but trust me to have one on an evening I would rather be home sorting out my fridge.
Tonight's show should be interesting though, it will be the youngest group I have ever done a show for, it's a group of university girls, it's going to be very different for me but I have no doubt they will be a fun group.
Then yesterday I did my usual spring clean in the house and Dave worked outside on his bike and of course mowed the lawn since it is back to mowing the lawn season here again. Then late afternoon he went for a cycle ride and had a bad fall, thank God he is just battered and bruised and nothing is broken other than his bike and cellphone which is is very mad about. The frame on the actual bike broke which is so weird but hopefully he can get that repaired at a minimal charge but his brand new expensive cellphone the entire front touch screen shattered and now really isn't working too well. Thank God it worked enough to call me to come and get him but still the poor guy is so mad at that expense, he said, he is glad this week is over, fridge, bike, phone ... please let it be over.
Oh one last thing I wanted to mention was, I think I wrote earlier that birds made a nest in my door hanger flower arrangement, well over the past week they eggs hatched and Jade was able to see the little baby birds grow over the past couple of days. Unfortunately Dave mentioned to the other kids in the road about the birds and they messed around at my door yesterday and I am not sure what happened but from what was said, I think the babies got out. Dave said he thinks they are flying but he also saw them on the ground under my bushes so ... it was a good day yesterday for flying lessons so I hope that was the case but it's cold today again I hope they are ok, bloody kids, I was so mad at them, Jade knew to stay away from them but these other kids, which many of them are older than Jade, you would think they would know better, anyway such is life right ??? Thankfully Jade got to experience the whole egg thing and the hatching and seeing the babies grow a bit, something we really don't get to see so close up to often.
Anyway, all that's left to say is Happy Birthday Dad ... hope you have a good one :-)
The weather has been weird, we have had temperatures into the upper 70's, definitely T-shirt days and then now we have another cold week with highs only in the early 60's and well really cold mornings, Winter mornings ... I can't believe it. To think in a little over a month it will officially be Summer and the pool will open, that's hard to believe, all I know is that water is going to be really cold !!!
Well Summer is coming quickly which means Jade only has a few weeks of school left, I can hardly believe that, gosh, then it will be over with with Preschool and into Kindergarten, my little girl is growing up for sure. We have a evening at her new school coming up so that is exciting for all of us, she is just excited about riding the school bus and nothing else at this time, it's going to be a big change for her, she is so used to the same kids at school, kids that have been with her for almost 3 years now that all the new faces and new routines etc. it's going to be a big change for her, that is for sure.
In the meantime, mom is working on what we are going to do the three months of Summer and at this stage, I have no idea. I know I want to put her in one or two Summer camps but really haven't done too much research on all that yet, I better do something soon or I might not get her in, well if worst comes to worst, we will just hang out more at the pool. She enjoyed the different pools at the gyms around us last year so we will do that too I am sure. Also I am working on another trip up to Canada again, hopefully Jade and I can spend some time up there and talk my cousin into coming down here again for a while, last Summer was such a blast !!!
Otherwise, we had a nice weekend, Friday was date night and for the first time my girlfriend Tina put her kids in at the preschool with Jade and we had a double date, nothing too fancy, dinner and some bowling which was great fun. We really had a nice time so hopefully we can do it again soon.
Then Saturday we went out fridge hunting, Monday last week our fridge packed up, what a nightmare, thank God one of my neighbors eats out a lot and had freezer space I could put all my meat in, what a mess !!! We pretty much lived out of my Coleman's for a couple of days till Tina remembered she had a little fridge we could use which has been a huge life saver. For me that cooks every day, this was terrible, buying food on a daily basis to cook and only cooking so much since the little fridge couldn't really hold too much. It was just a really hard week for me. So as I said, Saturday we went fridge hunting and couldn't find the one we wanted so eventually settled for second best which thankfully gets delivered today, I can't wait. I have a show this evening, I never have shows in a Monday but trust me to have one on an evening I would rather be home sorting out my fridge.
Tonight's show should be interesting though, it will be the youngest group I have ever done a show for, it's a group of university girls, it's going to be very different for me but I have no doubt they will be a fun group.
Then yesterday I did my usual spring clean in the house and Dave worked outside on his bike and of course mowed the lawn since it is back to mowing the lawn season here again. Then late afternoon he went for a cycle ride and had a bad fall, thank God he is just battered and bruised and nothing is broken other than his bike and cellphone which is is very mad about. The frame on the actual bike broke which is so weird but hopefully he can get that repaired at a minimal charge but his brand new expensive cellphone the entire front touch screen shattered and now really isn't working too well. Thank God it worked enough to call me to come and get him but still the poor guy is so mad at that expense, he said, he is glad this week is over, fridge, bike, phone ... please let it be over.
Oh one last thing I wanted to mention was, I think I wrote earlier that birds made a nest in my door hanger flower arrangement, well over the past week they eggs hatched and Jade was able to see the little baby birds grow over the past couple of days. Unfortunately Dave mentioned to the other kids in the road about the birds and they messed around at my door yesterday and I am not sure what happened but from what was said, I think the babies got out. Dave said he thinks they are flying but he also saw them on the ground under my bushes so ... it was a good day yesterday for flying lessons so I hope that was the case but it's cold today again I hope they are ok, bloody kids, I was so mad at them, Jade knew to stay away from them but these other kids, which many of them are older than Jade, you would think they would know better, anyway such is life right ??? Thankfully Jade got to experience the whole egg thing and the hatching and seeing the babies grow a bit, something we really don't get to see so close up to often.
Anyway, all that's left to say is Happy Birthday Dad ... hope you have a good one :-)
Saturday, April 5, 2008
The Worlds Biggest My Little Pony Tea Party
Well so soon after Disney, I knew daddy wouldn't really approve so I quietly bought tickets for Jade and I to go see The Worlds Biggest My Little Pony Tea Party at the Ovens Auditorium here in Charlotte.
So Thursday evening while daddy worked late, Jade and I went out for a very special evening, first to a quick dinner and then to see the show which was almost 2 hours long which I was amazed at because I thought it wouldn't be longer than an hour.
It was a cold rainy day, definitely not a day to want to be out on the road to anywhere so we dressed up warm, here are a few pics of her dresses up and ready to go ...

Here are some pics and vids of the show ...

So Thursday evening while daddy worked late, Jade and I went out for a very special evening, first to a quick dinner and then to see the show which was almost 2 hours long which I was amazed at because I thought it wouldn't be longer than an hour.
It was a cold rainy day, definitely not a day to want to be out on the road to anywhere so we dressed up warm, here are a few pics of her dresses up and ready to go ...
Here are some pics and vids of the show ...
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