Well my mom would be proud of me ... I am so not a natures girl but last night when I got home from work around 9h15 ish I noticed my neighbors garage was open and knowing how into nature they are, I realized oh yeah ... today's the eclipse so because I can't remember if I have ever seen one before and really had no interest in seeing one today especially when Big Brother was on and I was dying to see that ... but I remember my mom saying how I am missing out on stuff coz I don't take the time to appreciate stuff like this so, in the freezing cold I sat for about 45 minutes and watched the eclipse unfold in front of my eyes. Of course I thought Dave would be interested but he was playing a computer game and couldn't have been any less interested and well Jade was sleeping so I stood outside with the neighbors.
Anyway so remembering that I don't have anything fancy but my little digital camera, these pics are just to prove to my mom that I actually did watch it. I know you can hardly tell by these pics and Dave will be mortified to know I am posting them coz he thought it would be silly but bottom line, it's my proof so here you go mom !!! This one's for you !!!

That's it for now, until later love to all. Ok Dave really needs to fix the spell checker on here ... again it didn't work and I am too lazy to go back and check every, no really, I just don't have the time.
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