Man I can not tell you the fight I had to get her to keep those ears on, she wanted nothing to do with them, I thought this was one Minnie that was going out without ears that day, but when I told her she would get lots of chocolate with the ears on she tried it and I was right :-)
The lighting was not good, sorry but she looked so cute, her first real Halloween I think, didn't think she would get into it this year but she so did and went up to most doors alone which amazed me as she is the more cautious one out of she and Jade.
Still not loving the ears.
Out with the neighborhood, very good turnout this year, better than any year before this I think, so many adults got kitted out in costume too, was fun to see.
She loved this stuff till it got darker and then so much she would point to and say 'scary mom, scary mom' but she did so well.
She wanted to carry her own candy, she caught Dave trying to lighten the load, not to eat it but transfer it into another bag to make it lighter for her, she just about had a fit and wouldn't let him have anything to do with her candy from there on out, nice to know she trusted mom with her candy more (hehehe) !!!
Not so scary one :-)
Yep, that's what 7 pounds of candy looks like ... and I think she ate about another pound on route !!!
Done with Halloween 2011, yay and I am up to date ... kinda :-)