This was the Renaissance Festival that we visited a week ago, you guys have heard so much about it over the years so I won't bore you, just will add a few pics :-)
We see this fairy every year and Jade just loves here, she sprinkles fairy dust on a piece of glass, like a squashed marble kind of thing and gives it to the kids to make dreams come true or something, think I need to get one for myself next year (hehehe).
Here Jade is with a belly dancer, she just loves to watch them every year, during this past year at another fair I bought here the thing she has around her skirt, not sure what it is called but it is what they all wear, nice and shiny and it makes a noise, Jade loves it and couldn't wait to show it off at the fair. Now she wants to go for belly dancing lessons, yeah right !!!
Tiana, you will love this one, this is one of Jades hand me down outfits from Tiana, I have always loved this and couldn't wait for Amber to wear it and this was the perfect occasion amongst all the princess's and fairies. She looks so grown up here too, doesn't she :-) She was watching the elephants from a distance.
Love this one, think it's too cute how she is bending down to see the elephants :-)
Playing in the playground area, not sure of the sand, my high maintenance girl, she does not like to get her hands dirty.
Just a video of her walking, still very wobbly but getting there slowly but surely, I think the physio once a week is helping :-) but with the weather cooler we are walking more outside too which I am sure helps, but she prefers to take a ride in the push car than to actually walk, did I say high maintenance ???
We took a chance and went to the fair early, right when it opened and decided to stay as long as Amber would last without a nap, well we left just after 5pm and she was still doing pretty well considering she was exhausted and daddy forgot her paci in the car :-(. But anyway passed out quickly on the way home.
Remember to scroll down.