Ok this next pic is of Tina, that afternoon she and her two cousins went to the Price Is Right taping in Vegas, they had lots of fun but unfortunately no one won anything.

Then early evening we all got together for the first time at Mon Ami Gabi at the Paris Hotel, what a nice evening, sitting outside right on the strip. I think this is the only picture we got of us all together.

Not sure where I was for this one ... finally got out of a picture, wow !!! Oh yeah this was before we arrived, Pam and I that is.

Pam and I at Mon Ami Gabi.

Then a funny thing happened, someone walked by on the strip and said to a guy sitting at the table next to us, directly behind me, 'I have been in Vegas 20 years and you are only the second celebrity that I have met' and shook the guys hand. So I asked the ladies on the table who he was coz I had no idea, anyway he is Kid from the band Kid 'n Play and he was also in a couple of movies I think, House Party was one of them I think ... anyway so later when he got up to leave, I guess since I didn't know the guy I wasn't shy and asked him if he wouldn't mind coming over for pics and well I quicky turned shy when he asked who's birthday it was and they all pointed to me ... and I got to get ripped off but have my picture taken with him, he had the girls crying with laughter and well now it's funny but then I was just so embarrased but wow, what a friendly guy and I guess that was nice of him, so here are a couple of pics of him and I.

Ok and this one of course made it to everyones Facebook page ... I know ... great right ? (hehehe).

Here's Colleen, I was to her left in the picture and he sat between us as you can see.
Other people we saw in Vegas, none of which I knew, some guy from the Sopranos (which I probably spelt wrong since I have never watched the program), Flavor Flav ... sorry on that spelling too coz I just think he is gross and some sports guys, Pete Rose and Don Shula, I give up. There was a guy that looked just like the New Moon guy I wish I had the guts to stop him for a picture for Karen and her kids but he was so hot ... I passed, sorry Karen.
Here's Tina and her two cousins, Monica and Lisa.

Then on the Sunday night before Tina, Denver, Pam and I went to watch the Cirque Show 'O' most of us that were still around went to an Irish Pub in the New York New York Hotel (Gavin hope you are proud :-)) here are some pics from there.

Some of us that were around for this picture.

Pam and I.

Heather and Allison.

Ok the Cirque Show ... wow I could write an entire blog posting just on that but it's just so hard to explain, I need to try and find a video skit and put it on here. It was amazing, we didn't have great seats unfortunately but that didn't matter at the end of the day, gosh, mind blowing !!!

Some random pics ...
Where we stayed, Planet Hollywood.
Denver, Jen and Tina tried out a nightclub one evening but stayed about an hour after feeling like the oldest gals in the club (hehehe) all dressed up for nothing.

Pam and I cruising the strip one afternoon.

Some of us ladies in front of those pretty fountains.

Then the last night we had hotdogs that my mom would die for, real American / New York Hotdogs apparently the best in the States ... not so sure about that but they are renown for their hotdogs, Pinks the place is called.

This ones for you mom ...

Oh and mom look at these other desserts we found on the strip for you :-) Oh and this was just one of their display cases ... too die for stuff at too die for prices (hehehe)
On board the plane on the way home. Me and my two closest friends, Pam and Tina.

Wow all that planning and it's all over with. I know they are already trying to plan the next trip together (hehehe) and Dave is already saying ... yeah in another 40 years, now how's that fair right ? We will see only time will tell. Thank you to everyone that did anything to make this trip happen, it was a wonderful break in a place that I totally love, I am sure a good time was had by all.
A very special thank you to my husband for allowing me to go, not that I asked permission or anything (hehehe) he pretty much had no choice but thank you for not protesting the trip and putting up with two sick kids when he himself wasn't well. Gosh he got a good dose of what motherhood is all about right, you think he appreciates me a little more now (hehehe) yeah right ... Love you babes !!!