This ones for Gavin ... or these two rather !!!
Sleeping at home on the 1st of June.
This is what I see in my rear view mirror when I am driving :-)
I totally love these pics I just took of Jade and Amber, I am only sharing a few coz I took so many, too cute. Can you see how Amber is bulking up, gosh this child is just like her big sister she can eat us out of house and home, golly !!!
Tomorrow we have a belated baby shower at Daves work, they kept on asking what to buy us and really, at this point, I am not sure we have all we need right now, two nice to haves would be the Tv monitoring system when she moves into her own room, that will make her being upstairs and us downstairs a little easier, although I can always do with some more exercise but in the middle of the night ... oh well yeah it would be easier (hehehe) !!! Also I never thought I would ever want a glider and ottoman but after using it in the nursery at work, now I think I might want one so hopefully we get a gift card that we can use towards one of those :-)
Then Jade has an end of year sleepover at a class friends house so she is going there directly from school so I am thinking maybe tomorrow night Dave and I will leave Amber with my folks and get a night out :-) sounds good right !!!
Then the weekend we don't have anything planned but we have tickets to Circus at Discovery place so maybe we will do that ... although I think I want to leave that for a week day if Dave can take the afternoon off or something. Then one of the days we will probably go to the pool and the other we will try out a new lake or river, we will see :-) I have a few other things I need to look into but I am sure we will have a fun time.
Monday Dave is flying down to Florida to get his new car, hopefully this is his last midlife crisis purchase (hehehe), he has bought himself a BMW 535, nice one, wonder if I will get to use it occasionally, maybe for my shows or something :-) Gosh since he is driving back alone, I hope and pray he drives safely and not like a crazy guy with his new toy. Amber has her 1 month doctors visit too on this day, I will give you all the details after that, I am sure she is going to break the scale, I thought Jade was a roly poly baby but I have a feeling Amber is going to be worse.
Tuesday is Jades graduation ceremony and then I have to work afterwards and well Wednesday is her last day of school FINALLY SUMMER IS HERE !!! Somewhere over the next couple of days we have said we will do lunch with her at school, gosh I hope we can fit it in, we totally forgot about it till she asked today when we will be coming to have lunch with her ... golly !!!
Anyway I will write again soon I am sure. Enjoy the pics fo now.