Thank God too that everything Jade had we managed not to catch, oh well that's not entirely true, she and I both started with a virus so who gave who what ... who knows but I got well quickly which is unusual for me but Jade, the poor thing battled for weeks.
I am well thanks, just plodding on at this stage at week 29 of my pregnancy and counting, wow only 11 weeks to go !!! I am very thankful that I passed my sugar test a week ago, with Jade I didn't pass the first one and had to go back and do the 3 hour one which I then passed but this time around, I passed the initial test too which I can hardly believe but I am very thankful for it !!!
I took a bit of strain this past week because out of the blue it got hot for about 5 days, I mean we are only going into Spring now but we had temperature up to 28 degrees C ... of course, sorry this is mainly for the SA'ns, if it were 28 F it kinda would be more normal I know (hehehe). Anyway everyone had been asking are my feet starting to swell etc. and they really weren't but my gosh this past week, oh golly, I hardly recognised I had ankles, it was disgusting !!! I worked late Wednesday night and then was on my feet all day on Thursday and well Thursday night could hardly walk, so that all being said I am very thankful it has now turned cold again, very cold actually, as much as I am not enjoying the rain the cooler weather is just great :-) I know most everyone does not agree with me but oh gosh ... I pray that Summer does not come early this year !!!
Anyway so yesterday was my birthday and all I can say is birthdays normally are really pretty cool but thanks to Facebook and getting almost 50 birthday wishes from all over the globe, was a real treat. Thank you to everyone that took the time to drop me a note, emailed, sms'd, send me cards and called, I really did have the nicest birthday I had in a long time. Thank you too Sondra for the beautiful plant for my new home, that was a special treat too. Dave bought me a 32 inch plasma Tv for our bedroom, the clever guy we would have gotten it some time but now it became an easy birthday gift (hehehe). All I asked for was a Pandora Bracelet which Dave was really reluctant to buy but I was excited to get, him and Jade bought that and Jade gave me my first charm which was a little house, how cool is that. Thanks to my mom and my in laws I am off to the Pandora store tomorrow but buy 3 or so more charms, too cool !!!
I worked yesterday morning but the afternoon I came home so I could talk to family which was really nice, thanks for the LONG chat Gavin and Gigi, that was the best gift you guys could have given me, sorry though Gigi that you and Juno got in trouble for chewing through the mic cable (hehehe), I told you I hate cats didn't I well that was just the cat getting me back I am sure !!!
Then last night the three of us went out for dinner, just a quick dinner but to a nice restaurant then we came home and relaxed the rest of the evening, the weather was so yucky that was the best plan. And well mommy's birthday cake made for a good dessert.
Here are two pics of Jade and I taken just before we went out last night ...
This morning, Dave dropped Jade at Tina's house, it was Tylers party and the kids went to go play Laser Quest which was Jades first time but she had a ball. Dave and I took the opportunity of being kid free and went to an auction of the goodies in the model of our house in our neighborhood, what an experience, we didn't stay long and the stuff was too expensive but I am glad we went. We had time left over so we quickly went to try out a new restaurant, well new for us, it is O Shea's an Irish Pub, we totally loved it and me that doesn't really like fish, had the best fish and chips that I have ever had over here in the States so I am sure we will go back there again. Then we went to get Jade, she was exhausted, hopefully that means we get to sleep in tomorrow a bit.
Tomorrow afternoon I am going out with some of my girlfriends from my old neighborhood for lunch ... I can just hear my mom saying ... Trace this is way too much eating out girl !!! But I really don't eat out much but after all the drama with Jade the past month and all the unpacking that was not which we still really are not done with ... well I am taking a break this weekend for my birthday and I am going to thoroughly enjoy it (hehehe).
That's about it when it comes to us ... I want to say thank you to all our friends over here, mainly all my 'sisters' at Church At Charlotte for all their prayers when it came to my father in laws recovery and my mom in laws recent knee surgery, they are both doing well from what we know so I am thankful for all the prayers !!!
Also some other good news is that my parents got the visa's for their trip to us, that's another blessing I can tell you, they got a 10 year visa which was great, my dad also got his international drivers licence so that's cool, now we just need flights which I will do in this coming week, it's getting exciting, not too long now !!!
That's it I guess ... enough waffling, I know ... until next time !!!