Before I start with my long story, I wanted to wish my in-laws a Happy Wedding Anniversary, I hope you had a good one and that you have many many more, each getting happier as the years roll around !!!
Ok so last weekend, the 7th of February we moved into our house, Darryl, TD and Lewis came to help us move and they did a fine job of getting it all done quickly, before I knew it just about everything was moved into the new house in Waxhaw and well then the fun began, trying to find the perfect place for everything. Firstly thanks guys for your help, we could never have done it without your help and Dave and I appreciate it more than you know !!!
Obviously first things first, we got Jades bedroom and our bedroom sorted out as much as possible and then got the Tv room sorted to the point that there was a place to sit and the Tv was set up ... an the kitchen of course was workable even before we moved in, the rest would just happen in time, little did I know just how long that time I was talking about would be, I know that Rome wasn't built in a day but patience is not my strong point at all !!!
So Monday I went off to clean out the apartment and bring the last few things through to the house, once I was done there I was exhausted but knew I needed to work on stuff at the new house too so that's just what I did. Unfortunately I think I overdid it, I was getting over a cold I had caught the previous week but by Monday night I really felt rotten and by Tuesday morning I was calling in sick at work and knew I had a bad fever.
Off to the doctor I went Tuesday afternoon only to be told that I had a virus and that there was nothing they could do for me other than put me on 7 days of bed rest to take care of my fever. Well that evening Jade came down with the same thing and by Wednesday morning she too had a really high fever so I kept her home from school, poor thing, she is such a trooper even when she is sick. I didn't know how I was going to get bed rest with her being sick too but it actually worked out really well, she lay in front of the Tv upstairs and I was in bed downstairs, I just made sure she had enough to drink, had the tissues handy and was comfy and just checked on her ever so often. Actually I think she checked on me more, she is such a loving child really, she is always so worried about me when I am sick, you know men ... well thank God for Jade is all I can say.
Wednesday was a really bad day for me, my fever was really high all day and all night but thankfully by Thursday I was feeling a lot better other than the constant cough of course but at least I was able to function a little. On Wednesday Jade felt good more of the day but by evening her fever was back big time, and it lasted on and off all day Thursday too, by evening it had broken. With Friday being a big PJ party at school and the Valentines exchange, when she felt better that morning I sent her off to school which now I think wasn't a great idea because by Saturday her cough was so bad it really was worrying me.
We kept her in bed most of Saturday but even when she is not feeling good, it is hard to tie this child down, she wants to be on the go all the time, I really needed her to try and take a nap as Dave had booked us tickets to go see MonsterJam on Saturday night, which is the big Monster Truck evening that comes to Charlotte once a year, anyway she didn't take a nap but fell asleep in the car on route to the MonsterJam and well the poor thing felt even worse when we had to wake her to get out the car. She had great fun rooting all the trucks on but shame she was not herself at all. Thanks Dave for a great evening, sorry Jade and I weren't the best of company but with both of us coughing so much, being in a dusty environment probably wasn't the best place for us.
Sunday morning we took it easy coz we knew we had to go out to Concorde Mills the afternoon for Daves Valentines gift I got him. I got him a SuperCar Experience, he got to chose 3 cars from 7 to drive over the space of about an hour, here are some pics of him with the cars.
Here is his first car which totally blew his mind, he said he has never driven anything quite like it, it is the Nissan GTR - 3.8L Twin Turbo V6 AWD. You should have seen his face when he got out of this one, it was priceless, like a total little box just being given his favorite toy for Christmas. Even though he has two more 'better' cars to drive, I knew he thought his was in Heaven for sure !!!
Then secondly he got to drive the Porsche 911 Turbo - 3.6 V6 AWD, he was actually going to drive the Aston Martin Vantage Roadster which was in the same category but changed his mind last minute and I don't think he regretted it one minute. Below these two Porsche pics is a pic of the Aston Martin he would have driven.
Last but not least, he finally got to drive the little red Ferrari F430 - 4.3L V8 RWD. Thankfully the guy that rode along side him in each car was a fun guy and told
Dave when to floor it etc. I think he had a great time and I would recommend this gift to anyone wanting a car thrill :-)
Oh I have to tell you something funny though, when Dave was about to take the Ferrari for a drive, one of the other guys standing around there told him to rev the car for me for the video so he did but not much, I don't think he knew how much he could do even though I am sure he would loved to have shown off a good deal more, anyway the guy next to him about to drive the Aston Martin was told the same thing and you will hear in the video how much he revved, it's funny coz it makes the Ferrari sound like nothing which in fact had Dave revved it would have been very impressive, oh dear ... I guess next time !!!
Anyway, so today is Monday and I took Jade to the doctor only to be told the same thing as my doctor told me, it's a virus and it needs to run its course, nothing you can do about it :-( so we will just continue to cough I guess. I was worried about the baby with all the coughing but my obgyn says it's just giving the baby a good work out and not to worry about it but thank God the fever is under control as that was pretty dangerous for the baby !!!
So I am 25 and a half weeks pregnant, almost 6 and a half months, I cannot believe it !!! Actually I should believe it coz gosh I am still experiencing the nausea which I thought by 6 months was gone with Jade by my obgyn said nope, I had it till month 7 so we will see, for me it's almost like my normal right now. I have also really battled with my allergies more so this time around than I remember with Jade I kinda feel like I have been sick the entire pregnancy, fun right ??? Well I have never enjoyed pregnancy so I didn't expect this one to be fun or any different. Thank God now she is moving around more, it puts my mind at rest a bit but man is she making me uncomfortable and I still have so much longer to go and she needs to grow so much more, fun days to come, I can tell !!! I cannot wait to give birth to her and feel better again and then I can thank God that I NEVER have to experience this ever again, I am definitely going to make sure of that ... right Dave !!!
So tomorrow Jade is back to school again, hopefully she will be fine, the doctor said to send her before she starts crawling the walls at home, little does she know how much she has already been doing that, poor thing. And well I am back to work again tomorrow too so I got at least 1 day out of my 7 bed rest, what can I say !!!
I know everyone has been asking for house pics but the house is still in a mess so it will be a very long time till I take pics ... so please be patient.
Take care.